22. Siddiq

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Rudy held Judith in his arms as he watched Negan in the kitchen of the grimes family, making himself look like some housewife.

"..you can sit, you know? I won't toss you into the oven." Negan joked, laughing at his own joke.

"Your dad jokes got worse." Rudy commented, sitting down, with Judith in his lap.

Rudy had barely let Negan grab Judith, and Judith was obvious to what was going on around her.

"You used to laugh at my dad jokes." Negan reminded him, and Rudy huffed,

"Yeah, when I zero sense of humor." Rudy replied, turning his head to look at the person who entered the house.

It was Carl. He had a bandage over his eye. Rudy had heard that Ron shot him in the eye, and Michonne had killed Ron.

"Carl, just in time! I'm making spaghetti, care to join us? You can sit next to the little murderer," Negan said, gesturing to Rudy,

"Oh, didn't you hear? He tried to kill me with my own gun!" Negan laughed, shaking his head.

"This kid is hilarious."

Carl glanced at Rudy , "Help us." Rudy mouthed to Carl, but Carl only sat down next to him.

"Yeah..it was hilarious that I missed. It would've been funnier if I hadn't." Rudy told him, and Negan gave him a pointed look.

"That's not a very nice thing to do, Rudy. You can't just go around shooting me." Negan said,

Rudy scoffed ,"Right, says the guy who bashes people heads in with a baseball bat."

"There's a difference.." Negan was interrupted by Rudy, "No, there isn't."

Carl glanced between Negan and Rudy before he spoke up. "We're going for a walk, just Rudy and me."

Rudy snapped his head over to Carl, "I am not leaving Judy with him. "He sent a glare towards Negan.

"He won't hurt her." Carl told him,

"Yeah. Don't you remember, Rudy, I'm good with babies." Negan said, a frown on his face as he remembered his son.

Rudy let out a sighed before he hesitantly passed Judith to Negan, who smiled.

"Hi, Judy."

Rudy stood up, "Only I can call her that." Negan hummed, not really paying attention.

"You kids have fun, but not too much fun." Negan said, chuckling to himself.

Carl stood up and gestured for Rudy to follow him.

"Come on, Rudy."


"..what are we doing out here, Carl?" Rudy questioned, swatting a mosquito off his arm.

Carl had taken him outside of Alexandria, and they were in the woods walking.

"You don't want anyone else to die, right?" Carl questioned, and Rudy raised an eyebrow at the sudden questioned

"Why do you think I want Negan dead? So, nobody else would die." Rudy replied, and Carl abruptly stopped, turning around,

Rudy almost bumped into Carl if he didn't stop in time.

"There's another way, Rudy. One that doesn't result in murder. You're seven. You shouldn't even be thinking about murdering someone.."

Rudy interrupted Carl, "I'm thirteen,okay? And there's no other way, Carl. Killing Negan is the only way."

"Thirteen? When did you turn thirteen?" Carl questioned with a frown. They missed Rudy's birthday.

Rudy frowned, "The day Negan brutally murdered Glenn and Abraham."

Rudy continued walking, and Carl took a minute before catching up with him.

"Look, I'm not saying that you have to like him, but we could have peace, our communities could have peace, and nobody has to die." Carl told him, grabbing his arm to stop him from walking.

Rudy shrugged his hand off, "peace?"

Rudy shook his head , looking down at the ground, "I respect you, Carl, I really do, but I just can't agree with you one this. I don't want peace with the saviors,"Rudy spoke, his voice calm,  and he looked up at Carl, his eyes full of anger.

"I want them all dead. Every single last one of them, including Negan." Rudy told him

"Rudy..." Carl started but was interrupted by Rudy.

"I want Negan to watch everything that he has built burn to the ground. I want Negan to feel the same pain that he has caused us, I want Negan's head on a sliver platter!" Rudy said, and he took a step towards Carl, glaring up at him.

"I want revenge for what he did to Glenn, and Abraham, to our people, this peace of yours is just a fantasy. Nobody is going to be able to live peacefully, not as long as Negan is still alive."

Carl just stared at Rudy, wondering how someone like Rudy could change in just a matter of days.

This wasn't the same Rudy that he had met. No, this was a different Rudy. One that he didn't recognize.

Carl was about to reply when they heard a shout from afar. Carl glanced at Rudy before he took off running.

Rudy quickly followed, and they found a man fighting off walkers.

Rudy pulled out his knife and rushed towards a walker, kicking its leg, making it fall, and he stabbed the walker in the head, taking out his frustration on the dead.

He pulled the knife, and blood splattered on him, but that was the least of his worries.

A scream tore his attention to Carl, a walker tore his arm, biting off the flesh,

"No!" Rudy ran forward, slamming his body into the walker, making it fall, and he wasn't hesitant to kill the walker.

He turned to Carl, who was staring at his arm in shock.

"Cut it off." Carl said, and Rudy stared at him in disbelief.


"Cut off my arm!" Carl demanded, snapping his head to look at Rudy,

"My knife is too small to cut through bone!" Rudy told him, his heart racing in his chest with fear.

"Would this work?" Carl and Rudy looked at the man, who held out a small axe, but it looked sharp enough to cut through bone.

"Yeah, yeah. Rudy, Rudy, listen to me. It's gonna be okay. Just hurry up and cut off my arm." Carl told him, with a reassuring look.

"I can do it. I'm a medic." The man spoke up, nervously gripping the axe.

Rudy took the axe, "What's your name?"

"Siddiq." The man replied, and Rudy nodded.

"Hold out his arm."

Siddiq grabbed Carl's arm, holding it out, and Carl looked away, clenching his eyes shut.

Rudy swung the axe and screamed echoed through the woods.



1075 words

Decided to bring out Siddiq early


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