32. The CRM doesn't like relationships

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Lieutenant Okafor was dead. Rudy wasn't given much detail about his death, but his death resulted in Rudy being tasked with multiple assignments when he should be resting, but he was used to it.

He was used to working while injured. The pain only lasted for a while before it just became numb.

He was given an injection to keep him awake even after the doctors tried to tell General beale otherwise.

Rudy liked the doctors. They were nice to him, well some of them, the women were.

He only had one man doctor, but after Rudy broke his wrist for touching him inappropriately, he wasn't seen again.

He heard the nurses quietly chatting among each other and heard rumors that General beale or Lieutenant Jadis took care of the man, but Rudy knew it wasn't them.

Lieutenant Okafor was the one who took the man and killed him. Rudy only figured it out when Okafor managed to slip up on his wording.

Lieutenant Okafor wasn't a good man, but he was good to Rudy. He treated him like a person instead of a soldier.

He treated him like a kid most of the time, which annoyed Rudy because he hadn't been a kid in a very long time.

"..Rudy!" Holding back a flinch, Rudy snapped his head over and saw Mitch walking over to him ,

"What are you doing? You should be resting and healing." Mitch told him, looking down at him with worried eyes as he stood in front of him.

His hair was wet, and Rudy could faintly hear the sound of rain hitting against the ground.

He began to like the rain after a few years. Listening to the sound of the rain just calmed him, he would often sit on the balcony with Anakin lying next to him, just watching and listening, often falling asleep to the sound.

"I'm fine, Dawson." Rudy replied, and Mitch sighed, "No, you are not, and second call me, Mitch. I like it when you call me Mitch."

Rudy stared at Mitch before he let out a sighed ,"Sergeant, what happened between us in that hallway will not happen again."

Mitch frowned, "What? You don't feel the same about me? Because I surely remember the way your lips moved against mine, and I have to say it was pure heaven."

Rudy liked the way Mitch lips felt against his, the way Mitch hands held him, touched him, he liked it, but he couldn't have it.

"Rudy, tell me what's going in that beautiful brain of yours?" Mitch questioned, reaching his hand out, but Rudy took a step back from him.

"I don't feel the same way about you." Those words felt like acid coming out of his mouth.

Mitch stared at Rudy before he surged forward, crashing his lips against Rudy's, and cupping the back of Rudy's head with one hand, while wrapping his arm around Rudy's waist, pulling him closer.

Rudy was caught off guard, but his body reacted quickly before his mind could progress everything.

He was kissing Mitch back, but a moment later, Rudy pulled away, stepping away from Mitch.

"Why do you keep doing?" Rudy questioned. His heart was rapidly beating his chest, his cheeks were flushed, but his heart was aching.

"Why do you keep kissing me back if you don't feel the same way?" Mitch questioned instead, his tone a bit sarcastic

"I...I don't feel the same way, Sergeant. You just caught me off guard, that's all." Rudy told him, and it was lame and he knew it.

"Why are you making this more difficult than it needs to be?" Mitch questioned, his voice full of desperation

Rudy couldn't look at Mitch, and he looked down at the ground, " The CRM doesn't like relationships."

"Fuck the CRM!" Mitch snapped, shaking his head, "who cares what the CRM thinks? I want to be with you and I know that you want to be with me."

Rudy lifted his head and looked at Mitch, his teary eyes full of despair , "You don't understand.."

Mitch interrupted Rudy, "Then make me understand what the problem is!"

"The CRM doesn't like relationships!" Rudy snapped, "The CRM doesn't like relationships." He repeated, and he shook his head.

"The CRM doesn't like relationships."

Mitch stared at Rudy before taking a step forward, gently cupping Rudy's face in his hands, "What did they do to you?"

Tears streamed down Rudy's face, "I'm sorry, Mitch."

Finally getting a closer look at Rudy, Mitch could see a burn mark hidden beneath Rudy's hair, on the side of his head.

Mitch's thumb brushed against the old burn mark, and Rudy couldn't help but flinch.

"Those weren't seizures you were having, "Mitch quietly said, coming to a realization, "you were stuck in a memory of being electrocuted."

Rudy brought his hands up, gently pulled Mitch hands away from him, and held his hands in his.

"..another reason why we shouldn't be together, I'm not.." Rudy was interrupted by Mitch.

"Don't, "he told him, "Don't put yourself down like that. You are perfect to me. You are enough for me, Rudy,"

"You are literally it for me, and that beautiful brain of yours can think of the many reasons why we shouldn't be together, but I can think of a trillion reasons why we should be together,"

"Like, for instance," Mitch brought Rudy's hand to his chest, above his heart, "My heart only holds love for you."

Rudy let out a small chuckle, "That was so cheesy," his voice wavered at the end, before he pulled his hand away, sniffling.

"I really want to be with you," he quietly said, "but I don't want you to get hurt because of me. If the CRM finds out, they will only punish me by killing you, Beale told me."

"Then let's leave you, me, and the others if they want to leave. Let's leave and never look back. There's nothing here for us, anyway." Mitch told him, and Rudy shook his head,

"There's nothing for you but for me? There's a lot here for me, and I just can't leave, Mitch." Rudy told him, and he wiped his tears with the back of his hand, clearing his throat.

"I love you, but I can't. I'm sorry." Rudy quickly walked away, into the pouring rain leaving Mitch behind,

Mitch watched Rudy walk away from him, his heart aching, but he wasn't about to give up on Rudy.

He wasn't about to give up on them. He just needed to get rid of the problem that was standing in their way.

He needed to get rid of the CRM.


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