11. Noah

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It was only the second day the group had been on Alexandra, and half of them already had jobs.

Rudy didn't have a job. No, he had something way worse than a job.

He had school. He literally used to fail in all his classes, and he thought he was rid of school when the world ended. Guess not.

"..why can't i go with you? Take me with you, please?" Rudy pleaded to Glenn, who shook his head.


Rudy turned to Noah with pleading eyes ,and Noah chuckled ,"Don't look at me."

"Rudy," Deanna spoke up, standing beside him, "you can't skip out of school."

Rudy looked at her and shrugged, "it was worth a try." Deanna let out a small laugh.

Rudy looked at Noah, "Be careful."

Noah nodded ," I will. I'll see you later, kid."

Rudy held out his fist, and Noah fist bumped him, "Boom," Rudy mimicked an explosion

"I'll see you later."

Rudy stood next to Maggie, watching as the van drove away, playing loud music.

Rudy placed his skateboard down, "I'll head to school now."

He waved goodbye to the adults before skating away.

"Don't go too fast!" Maggie warned him, and Rudy turned his head to look at her and gave her a thumbs up.

Maggie let out a sighed, and Deanna chuckled.

"Children. They give you a scare with everything they do."


Rudy decided to skip school. It wasn't like he really needed to learn what they were teaching. He'll go to school tomorrow.

Rudy just skated around Alexandra, staying clear of people he knew. If they saw him, they would drag him to school except for Daryl.

Daryl wouldn't care.

Rudy spotted Sam, and he grinned to himself before he hopped off his skateboard, picking it up and sneaking his way over to Sam.

"Boo!" Rudy jumped in front of Sam, who let out a scream, jumping back, and Rudy laughed.

"Dude, you were so scared. Your face was priceless." Rudy said, chuckling.

Sam glared at him, but it wasn't his best glare as Rudy wasn't even faced by it.

"Shouldn't you be in school?" Sam questioned, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Shouldn't you?" Rudy retorted, glancing around as he noticed the familiar neighborhood.

"No. Go away." Sam told him, pushing him aside a little.

Rudy looked at him offended by the push.

"Rudy, you should be at school." Carol's voice rang out, and Rudy tensed before turning to look at Carol with a nervous smile.

"Carol, hey! Love the outfit, um, you know, I was just on my way, but then I saw Sam and we're friends.."

Sam interrupted Rudy. "We're not friends."

Rudy sent him a look before looking at Carol.

She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a look.

Rudy sighed, "Look, I'll go tomorrow, promise. Just let me have this free day, please? And don't tell Maggie, she thinks I'm out making friends."

"Nobody wants to be friends with you because you're too weird." Sam told him, and Rudy looked at him,

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