14. the culprit of lord zard kidnapping

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Rudy snuck out while Denise seemed to be distracted by Tara. He was a little slow, but they didn't notice him leaving the infirmary.

Everyone seemed to be distracted by something that they weren't really paying attention to the limping child walking down the streets of Alexandria.

Rudy made it to the Andersons house, and he was tired. His body was aching, and his side was pulsing with pain, reminding him of what happened.

Rudy walked in without knocking. He overheard Jesse talking with someone that Sam wouldn't leave his room.

The door was unlocked, but Rudy was pretty sure almost everyone's doors were unlocked in Alexandria.

Rudy slowly walked up the stairs, using the railing as support before he made it up the top, and he used the wall for support as he walked down the hallway towards Sam's room.

Rudy leaned on the doorframe, slightly breathing heavily through the pain before he reached his hand out, and opened the door, walking in.

Sam looked startled, but Rudy ignored him and went to lay on his bed, gently dropping himself down.

"Hey! I didn't give you permission to come into my room." Sam told him, slightly shoving him.

"Ow!" Rudy slapped his hand ,"I'm injured here. Just let me rest for a minute, okay? I'm on a mission."

Sam looked down at him, slightly interested, "a mission?"

Rudy hummed ,"Yeah, I'm trying to find Lord zard. He went missing, but I got a little side tracked.." Rudy gestured to his side, "and I didn't have time to find him."

A weird look appeared on Sam's face, and Rudy noticed. He sat up, wincing slightly, and he narrowed his eyes at him.

"What did you do?" Rudy questioned, and Sam looked surpised by the question.

"Nothing!" His voice went high pitched, and Rudy pointed an accusing finger at him.

"You're lying! I can tell!" Rudy agrued, and Sam shook his head.

"No, I'm not. Get out of my room. I don't have your stupid lizard." Sam told him, slightly pushing him.

Rudy stood up, "I never said you did," he took a step closer to Sam, who backed up a little.

"But,if you do, I'm gonna need him back, Sam." Rudy told him, but Sam stood his ground.

"I don't have that stupid green lizard." Rudy grinned to himself.

Sam definitely had Lord zard. Rudy never told him the color of his lizard, nor has he ever shown Sam Lord zard.

"Sam, do you know what happens to little kids who lie?" Rudy questioned, and Sam shook his head.

"The dead come.." Rudy leaned closer ,"and eat them!" Sam jumped back in fright.

"I.. okay, I stole him, but that's because I want to get revenge for you scaring me all the time and walking into my room without permission!" Sam defended himself

"That's what friends do, Sam. We scare each other, and we just walk into each other's rooms without permission! You did it when you stole Lord zard." Rudy told him, sitting down at the edge of the bed, grimacing in pain.

Sam took out Lord zard and sat down next to Rudy.

"I'm sorry... kids usually pretend to be my friends to bully me." Sam quietly said, handing Lord zard to Rudy.

"Oh, I don't see why," Rudy sarcastically muttered to himself, reaching his hand out, but Sam noticed the red in Rudy's fingers.

"Is that blood!?" Sam jumped up, looking at Rudy with wide eyes.

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