12. killing isn't always the solution

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Rudy sat in front of the grave that was Noah's. He wanted to say goodbye, but was it really saying goodbye if Noah wasn't there? If his body wasn't there?

He said goodbye to Beth, but it didn't really feel like a goodbye. He wasn't really good at those.

Rudy glanced around before he spotted Nicholas a few feet away. He was looking over at him at Noah's grave.

Rudy thought Nicholas clearly had something to do with Noah's death. He looked guilty, and Glenn looked pissed whenever he looked at Nicholas.

Rudy stood up and walked away from the grave. He needed to find Glenn and confirm it.

He just can't start accusing people. What if it was his mind playing tricks on him? Trying to blame someone for Noah's death, but in reality, it was all an accident , and nobody was too blamed for Noah's death.

Rudy shook his head, letting out a sigh as he walked around trying to find Glenn.

It didn't take him too long to find Glenn. He was with Maggie as usual.

Whenever Maggie was, Glenn wasn't far behind.

Rudy walked over to the two. "Glenn, can we talk?" He questioned, and Glenn looked at him, nodding.

"Yeah." Glenn turned to Maggie, giving her a small smile before a kiss to the lips, which made Rudy look away.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Maggie stood up and smiled down at Rudy before she walked away.

Rudy sat on the porch next to Glenn, his legs didn't reach the ground, and he kept his head down, his eyes focused on his bracelet that he may or may not stolen from Noah.

"What is it, Rudy?" Glenn questioned, and Rudy sighed, lifting his head to look at Glenn.

"Nicholas got Noah killed, didn't he? Don't lie to me, Glenn." Rudy told him, and it was Glenn's turn to sighed.

"Nicholas got Noah killed." Glenn truthfully told him, not bothering to lie to Rudy.

"He should be dead.." Rudy hopped off the porch, "he should be dead. Not Noah."

Glenn could only watch as Rudy walked away from him. Rudy was angry, but he was also grieving.

He'll give Rudy some time to cool off before speaking with him again.


Truth to be told, Rudy knew it was a bad idea. It was a horrible idea, actually, but he was just so angry. He wanted Nicholas dead.

Nicholas should be dead. He got Noah killed, and Rudy... Rudy doesn't like people who kill his friends, but Noah isn't just a friend.

Noah was family. Noah was his family. He only known him for a little bit of time, but Noah became like a brother to him, and it wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair that he kept losing the people that mattered to him the most. It wasn't fair how everyone was so happy while Noah was dead.

He didn't get how people could move on so fast. Maybe he was just built differently than others. He couldn't move on so fast like everyone else.

Everyone made it seem so easy.

Rudy had followed Glenn, who was following Nicholas.

Rudy made sure that he was quiet. That he didn't step on any branches that would make noise.

He learned a long time ago how to be quiet in the woods.

The gun in his hand felt heavy. His hands were shaking as his heart was hammering in his chest.

He wasn't scared. He killed someone before. It was his first time, but he didn't care.

Dawn had killed Beth. So, he killed Dawn. It was the same thing. Nicholas killed Noah. So now, he's going to kill Nicholas.

Rudy paused as he heard sounds of fighting, and he walked out of his hiding spot, seeing Glenn and Nicholas fighting.

Rudy lifted his gun and clicked the safety off, which alerted the two men of his presence as they stopped fighting and looked at him.

Rudy was aiming at Nicholas. Nicholas' eyes widened, and Rudy glared at him.

Glenn stepped in front of Nicholas. "Rudy, Rudy put the gun down."

"Move out of my way, Glenn." Rudy told him, but Glenn didn't move. He just carefully walked closer to Rudy, with his hands raised.

"Rudy, what are you doing?" Glenn questioned, but he already knew the answer.

He knew what Rudy was doing out here.

"I followed you out here to kill him." Rudy told Glenn, gesturing to Nicholas.

"Rudy.." Glenn started, but Rudy interrupted him, "No! He got Noah killed, and you just expect me to live with that? With him? I killed someone before, you know? It was my first time, but I don't regret it because she killed beth,"

"I can do it again, and I'll sleep like a baby."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was just scared." Nicholas told him, and Rudy glared at him.

"You. Shut up. I'm not talking to you , and I don't want your shitty apologies! I want my friend back! I want Noah back!"

"And you think killing him will bring Noah back?" Glenn questioned, "Rudy, it won't bring Noah back. Killing him won't make you feel any better."

"I couldn't save Beth, I couldn't save Noah, but maybe if I kill him, I can save someone else." Rudy weakly agrued

Truth was , Rudy couldn't kill Nicholas, not while he looked so scared.  It reminded him of the first time he's ever seen one of the walkers.

Fear made people do stupid things.

"Rudy," Glenn gently took the gun from him and crouched down to his height, a hand on his shoulder.

"Killing him won't change anything but yourself."

Rudy looked down at his shoes, avoiding making eye contact with Glenn. "It's not fair."

"I know, I know it's not fair, Rudy, but sometimes killing someone doesn't make you feel better. Killing isn't always the solution." Glenn told him, and Rudy sniffled.

"Women fight better than you two do. God, I got second-hand embarrassment."


1001 words

Shorter chapter


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