34. The mission : Part one

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His whole body felt sore and exhausted. His legs went numb a while ago, and his hands were shaking due to exhaustion.

He spent hours on his feet without so much of a break. His stomach growled in hunger, but he ignored it.

His body might be telling him that he needed food, but the thought of food just made him feel nauseous. He couldn't force food down his throat. He did it once, and the outcome wasn't good.

Rudy barely even made it to the infirmary by the end of the day. All his tasks were completed, and all he needed was to brief general beale, but he couldn't do that when his body was starting to fight against him.

Rudy pushed the door to the infirmary open, but there was nobody inside, and he let out a sighed.

He closed the door behind him, walked over to the medicine cabinet, and pulled out Stimulants.

It would keep him awake a bit longer, just long enough for him to brief beale. Then he could go to his room and just sleep.

Rudy only took two pills before putting the bottle back, knowing that he would be in trouble because he was taking medicine, but really, it was drugs without a doctor present.

Rudy threw them in his mouth, swallowing them dry, and he almost puked them out right there and then, but he didn't.

He took a deep breath before he let out a deep sighed. He could feel the way his heart was speeding up in his chest,

He ignored it, knowing it was a normal feeling for him.

His body slowly began to feel more energetic as the seconds slowly ticked by.

"..Rudy, what are you doing in here?" Rudy turned and saw nurse Jane walking into the infirmary.

"Oh, just looking for Doctor Bennett." Rudy lied with a small smile. It was a charming smile since he knew Nurse Jane liked him.

He didn't feel anything for her. The only person he's ever felt anything for is Mitch.

Nurse Jane smiled at him, "Well, she's on lunch break, but she'll be here in a couple of minutes. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Rudy shook his head, "Nah, I'll come back later. I have to go, General beale is expecting me."

Nurse Jane frowned a little, but she nodded in understanding. "Of course,"

"Don't him wait." Rudy slightly chuckled,

"I won't."


"...need you to find them." Rudy's head felt like it was going to explode,

Beale had just told him that his team plus the grimes family had gotten into a helicopter crash, and they haven't been found yet. The teams that beale sent haven't reported in.

Rudy knew that his team was okay. They knew how to take care of themselves, but he couldn't help but worry.

"Sir. If I find them.." Rudy was interrupted by Beale.

"Kill them. All of them." Beale told him, and Rudy stared at him, but he couldn't say anything.

The door opened behind him and closed before Jadis stood next to him. "Sir."

"Lieutenant Jadis, you will go with Lieutenant fairbourne to find and eliminate the traitors." Beale informed her, and she nodded.

"Yes, sir."

Beale nodded, "Dismissed, both of you."

Rudy walked out without a word, and Jadis quickly followed him, and she stopped him.

"I need to know that you could do this mission without hesitation." Jadis questioned, and Rudy glared at her, shrugging her hand off of him.

"I have my orders, and I intend to follow them. " Rudy told her, and Jadis nodded, smiling.

"That's great. Let's get going, shall we?"


Rudy sat in the back of the helicopter, his sniper rifle in his hand, his finger tapping against the side in an anxious way.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't kill his team, and if it comes down to it, he'll let them kill him.

He just has to make sure Jadis doesn't find them first. She wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger, unlike he would.

"Anxious?" Rudy turned his head away from the window and towards Jadis, who moved to sit in front of him.

He scoffed, "No," He sighed, "just took a few pills, I'm full of energy."

Jadis raised an eyebrow at him, narrowing her eyes, "You haven't slept yet."

Rudy shrugged, "Beale has been giving me task since doctor Bennett gave me the all clear to be standing and walkin',"

"She told me to rest, yet here I am, in a helicopter with you to go and eliminate my team." Rudy bitterly said,

"You will get a new team." Jadis told him as if that would cheer him up, and he scoffed,

"I don't need a team." He muttered, but truth was, he really needed his team, his family.

The helicopter soon landed near the crash sight.

Jadis and Rudy got out before the helicopter took off, leaving them behind in a city filled with the dead.

"Keep up, old lady." Rudy said before he walked away from Jadis towards the crash sight, killing any walker in his way.

Jadis shook her head, chuckling before she followed him.

Rudy made it to the crash sight before Jadis did. There was only one body, and that was the pilot.

As far as Rudy can tell everyone else was just gone. There was blood, a blood trail that led out of the helicopter.

One of his teammates was injured. Rudy was quick to follow the blood trail, leaving Jadis to deal with the walkers that he let alive to slow her down.

The blood trail led to a building, and Rudy rushed inside, closing the doors behind before finding something to barricade the door with, but he only found chains.

He grabbed the chains and tied the door close, so Jadis wouldn't be able to come inside, not without breaking the glass doors.

Rudy turned and let out a low whistle , and he smiled a little as he heard a bark before a fury body was crashing into his legs.


Rudy saw Mitch turned to the corner, only to freeze as he spotted Rudy. Mitch had a cut on the side of his head, blood slid down the side of his face, but it was slowly drying. Other than that, he seemed fine.

Rudy petted Anakin , and he slightly smiled at Mitch.

"Hey, Mitch."


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