15. separated

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Rudy gritted his teeth as he was forced to stand up, leaning most of his weight on Gabriel.

"Is this safe for Rudy?" Jesse questioned, gesturing to the blood of the walker on sheets.

"..I don't think it really matters.." Rudy muttered, his skin was deadly pale, and he looked physically sick.

"This is the only way. We'll get him to the infirmary before heading for the weapons." Rick said, and he crouched down to Rudy's height.

"You up for this?" Rick asked, and Rudy nodded ,"Oh, totally."

Rudy wasn't really up for walking through a herd of walkers while bleeding, but the walker blood on him was supposed to help him. He hoped it did.

Rick nodded and stood up, ruffling his hair a bit. Rudy gave him a reassuring small smile.

Gabriel was the one helping Rudy as they leave the house, walking through the herd of walkers.

Carl was carrying Judith, who was thankfully quiet.

Rudy didn't know how long it passed, but it soon turned dark outside, and they were close to the church.

Gabriel had offered to take Judith to the church, leaving Rudy to lean on Ron.

They were all holding hands, but Rudy was stumbling behind Ron, making Carl bump into him a couple of times.

"Rudy.." Carl whispered, and Rudy shook the dizziness away.

"I'm fine.." Rudy whispered back, but he wasn't. He was losing too much blood, and he was getting tired.

Sam started to whimper rather loudly, and Jesse was trying to calm down.

Ron and Carl let go of Rudy, and Rudy stumbled back, but nobody seemed to pay attention as walkers got Sam.

Rudy could only stare in horror before his body was roughly bumped into, and he was pushed forward, further into the herd, separated from everyone.

Rudy couldn't do much but let himself get pushed through the herd before a gunshot rang out.

Rudy gritted his teeth as walkers bumped into him, pain blossomed throughout his whole body.

His vision darkened, but he shook his head. He couldn't pass out, not while being in a herd of walkers that could eat him at any minute.

He felt tears streaming down his face, but he didn't know if it was because he had lost another friend or because of the pain.

Maybe it was both.

Rudy glanced around, seeing where the walkers pushed him, and he was in the woods. He was surrounded by trees.

They weren't many walkers outside, but Rudy needed to go back. He needed to head to the infirmary.

A walker snarl snapped him out of his thoughts, and he stumbled back as a walker headed towards him before the snarling attached others.

"Oh.. hell.." Rudy muttered under his breath. He couldn't go back, not while the walkers could smell him.

This was it. This was how he was going to die.

Rudy shook his head. He wasn't about to just give up. He got himself into this mess, and then he could get himself out of it.

He could find a place close by and stay there until someone finds him.

Rudy turned and started to walk as fast as he could. He couldn't run. His legs wouldn't let him run.

Rudy gasped as he tripped and went trumbling down, rolling until his body stopped.

He let out a cry, a small whimper escaping him, and walkers went falling down, rolling, and Rudy crawled back, but his vision was darkening.

Rudy felt his body getting wet before he lost consciousness. The last thing he saw was the walkers getting further.


The walkers in Alexandria were all dead. They had fought back, and Daryl, Abraham, and Sasha were back. They helped Glenn, Maggie, and Enid.

The night slowly turned into morning. Many were worried about Carl since during the night he was shot in the eye by Ron.

".. Which room is Rudy in?" Maggie questioned, wanting to check on rudy to see if he was alright.

"Yeah, where's the kid?" Daryl asked before he noticed the looks most people got on their faces.

Michonne walked as she heard Rudy's name. She looked at Maggie, "Rudy..he was with us last night,"

"We were trying to get him to the infirmary because he reopened his stitches when he snuck out to find his lizard that Sam stole," Michonne explained, her eyes turning sad,

"He.." Maggie interrupted Michonne, "is he dead?" She questioned, feeling Glenn's arm wrap around her.

"He's just gone." Michonne replied,

"He either ain't or is. Did ya see him go down?" Daryl questioned, and Michonne shook her head.

"No, i...I turned away for one second, he was right behind me, and when I turned around, he was gone, but he was bleeding, very badly. He's small, and that amount of blood that he was losing.." Michonne shook her head, cutting herself off.

"No." Everyone looked at Maggie, "he ain't dead. Rudy is a strong boy, and he's probably around here somewhere waitin' for us to find him, so we are going search all over until we find him, and we need to do it fast." Maggie sternly said before she rushed away, Glenn quickly following after her.

Daryl and many others rushed to check Alexandria for any sign of Rudy.

They all knew deep down that Rudy might not be alive anymore. That they find a walker instead of him.

"It wasn't your fault." Rick spoke up, walking out of the house, and Michonne looked at him, tears in her eyes.

"I turned my back on him, Rick. It was only for a second, but it was a second too long. He was gone." Michonne told him,

"We turned our backs on him, Michonne. Like Maggie said, Rudy is a strong kid. If he's still alive, he has to be around here somewhere." Rick told her,

Michonne nodded, sniffling, as she wiped her tears, "Carl okay?"

Rick nodded, "Yeah, he's worried about Rudy. Let's go find him."


Rudy woke up with a groan, feeling his body being moved around,

He slowly opened his eyes and saw that he was above ground, and the ground was moving. "Hey, you're gonna be okay, just hold on, kid."

Rudy turned his head towards the sound of the voice, and his eyes narrowed.



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