25. The "B"

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It's been two days since Rudy left Alexandria. He debated on going to Hilltop or the kingdom, but he didn't think anyone would want him.

Rudy was just wandering around aimlessly with no destination in mind. He stayed clear of walkers but took down the ones that crossed his path with ease.

He was good with a knife, and he practiced throwing it.

That's all he's been doing besides looking for food and water. He didn't really grab anything besides his bag that didn't have food, just comic books and his skateboard.

He was hungry, and his arm was aching. He hasn't taken care of his graze yet. It had stopped bleeding, but it was just stinging.

His shirt was stuck to his cut with the blood, and it hurt to peel it off, so he just left it like that.

He didn't really care anymore. He honestly didn't care if he died or not. He wondered if anyone would care if he did die?

He wondered if someone would find him as a walker and put him to rest or just let him wander around.

He wandered if he would see his friends again if he did die, or he would just be floating in some empty blank space for the rest of eternal life.

A snarl snapped him out of his thoughts, and he looked down, seeing a walker clawing at the tree he was currently on, just sitting, watching the sun going down.

"Ugh.. go away." Rudy muttered, narrowing his eyes at the walker . The walker only replied with snarls and growls.

Rudy sighed and swung his legs over, so they were hanging off. He swung his legs back and forth.

He was high enough that the walkers couldn't reach him, and high enough that if he fell, he could break his legs or his neck.

"Life completely sucks, right now," Rudy spoke, a small sighing leaving him, "As a walker, I bet your life doesn't suck, or does it?"

"Doesn't matter. Nothing matters anymore. Maybe I should just go down there and let you eat me." Rudy said before he went quiet.

It would be painful at first, but Rudy didn't think he'll scream. He wouldn't make a sound as the walkers' teeth down and ripped his flesh apart.

He frowned before he snapped his head to the right as he heard a twig snap.

The walker heard it as well and decided to follow the sound, leaving Rudy by himself.

Curious as to what that sound was, Rudy climbed down the tree, and once his feet touched the ground, he pulled out his knife.

He quietly followed after the walker, twirling the knife around in his hand,

Rudy paused as the walker went quiet. The grip on his knife tightened as he glanced around,

The sky was darking, and he couldn't see much besides trees and more trees.

Another twig snap, and Rudy felt anxious.

He took a step back, deciding to stay clear of whatever was out there. He didn't want any trouble, and if he was going to die, he would rather die his own way.

Rudy turned to walk back the way he came from, and he froze, tensing as he heard footsteps.

His heart began to race in his chest, and he didn't waste a second before bolting.

He heard the sound of feet pounding behind him, which made him start running faster.

He jumped over a fallen branch, his veins full of adrenaline. He dodged trees and walkers that appeared out of nowhere.

The footsteps had gone quiet, but Rudy wasn't taking any chances.

There was a light not far from where he was. It was a fire, and Rudy would rather take his chances with whoever was behind the fire than whoever or whatever was behind him.

He ran a little more before he had to stop, leaning against a tree for support. The fire was closer now, and Rudy could see a figure sitting by it, but he couldn't make out who it was.

His lips were slightly parted as he took deep breaths. His heart was in his ribs, pounding.

He took a step closer, and he could make out a crossbow.

Crossbow. A small smile appeared on his face. It had to be Daryl.

Rudy went closer, and he could see the person now. It was Daryl.

Rudy went to call out for him, but a hand covered his mouth and pulled him.

Rudy struggled, letting out muffled shouts before something hit him against the head hard.

His vision darkened, and the last thing he saw was Daryl getting smaller and smaller.



A small groan left Rudy as he slowly woke up. His brain was pounding against his skull, and he tried to lift his hands up, but they were tied together.

Blinking in confusion, Rudy's eyes finally adjusted to the darkness.

His legs were tied together as well as his hands, and there was something on his mouth that kept from making any sound.

There was something sliding down the side of his face.

He was still in the woods, leaning against a tree.

".. he's a B... he's a child, seven or eight years old."

Rudy's eyes traveled towards the voice, and he rolled his eyes as he saw jadis.

Jadis noticed that he was awake. She got off the radio and walked over to him, crouching down in front of him.

"You are one tough kid to track, you know that?" She told him, and Rudy narrowed his eyes at her.

Rudy went to speak, but all it all came out muffled.

Jadis reached out and pulled the tape off of Rudy's mouth.

"Okay, first of all, ow! Second, what the hell, lady!?" Rudy questioned, wincing as his head throbbed in pain.

"It's nothing personal, Rudy. Just business." Jadis replied, standing up, and Rudy scoffed

"Business!? I'm Nobody's business! Let me go!" Rudy struggled, but he couldn't get out of the rope.

"No, you think I'm stupid? The second I'll let you go, you'll either run or kill me." Jadis replied with a shake of her head.

Rudy heard the sound of a helicopter, and he looked up, seeing a helicopter far from them, but it was getting closer.

"Who is that?" Rudy questioned, and jadis looked at him,

"Your ride."


1061 words

The next chapter is timeskip!
I don't know if I like this chapter


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