☆ 003 - ͙۪۪̥˚

349 2 2

real life

after what felt like hours, the class ended and jules got up, gathered her stuff and rushed out of the classroom, not wanting to meet his eyes again. who was that guy? and why did he look at her like that? with thoughts flowing through her head, she didn't notice that in front of her, a boy appeared. jules crashed right into him, snapping back into reality.

"oh i'm so sorry! i didn't watch where i was going." jules apologized to the guy, now being turned in her direction. he scanned over her for a quick second, even though it felt like forever, before he opened his mouth to answer the girl.

"don't worry, you're fine. you're the new girl right? jules?" the blonde guy slightly nodded, getting my name right, before giving her a kind smile.

"correct! i don't know these halls very well, so i'm sorry for bumping into you. i was in my own thoughts." jules responded to the blonde guy, answering his smile with one back. he chuckled slightly, assuring the girl that it's no problem. he held out his hand as a gesture.

"i'm william davis, nice to meet you!" the blonde guy, now known as william, shaked her hand in a polite way. her face lit up at his gesture, but saying nothing about it. the girl accepts it and continues the conversation.

"hello william, nice to meet you as well!" jules quickly responded, letting out a small chuckle, not wanting to act rude. he gave her a quick last smile, before excusing himself, needing to go to his locker to grab some books before his next class. that reminded her that her next period started in five minutes. using her spare time, the girl looked and finally found a bathroom where she entered.

entering the classroom, once again being surrounded by chatter. the girl glanced around, looking for a free seat, when she spotted a familiar face. their eyes met, and the blonde guy gave her a kind smile, before gesturing to her to sit next to him and his friends. jules stood there, unsure of what to do, but eventually gave in, not wanting to reject his offer.

sitting down and placing her books on the table, her eyes met his before he turned to his friend for a short second, then again turning to the girl.

"hey! didn't know we had the same lesson, otherwise i would've made you company to our class. my apologies!" william spoke, glancing into her eyes for a long second. she smiled shortly, before answering.

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now