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real life

jules and her brother jacob was sat on the train, on their way back to los angeles. the rhythmic clacking of the train wheels against the tracks provided a comforting background noise as they journeyed back to los angeles.

jacob, always the more contemplative of the two, gazed out at the passing scenery with a thoughtful expression. his deep blue eyes reflected the subtle hues of the sunset painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. jules, on the other hand, couldn't contain her excitement, her blue eyes sparkling with happiness from the thought of meeting her two best friends again after a long time.

jules got lost in her music and the beauty of the passing landscape, so she didn't notice the hours slipping away until the train slowed to a halt, announcing their arrival in los angeles. the two siblings took their bags and headed off the train. jules looked around at the station for her two best friends that was supposed to come meet her arrive. as soon as she spotted the blonde girl and the other brunette girl in the distance, her lips turned up into a smile. the pair of best friends waiting for their lost one to arrive, turned around and saw jules smiling. jacob grabbed her bag as the girl ran towards her best friends, smiling.

the three girls crashed into a big embrace as they laughed loudly. as the three of them pulled away, they were all smiling. "jules! we are so glad to see you again!" nicole said with a bright smile on her lips. kaylee agreed. "agreed! we've missed you so much. and we have so much to discuss!" kaylee said, wiggling her eyebrows suspiciously, as jules laughed with a groan. "hey jacob as well!" the two girls said to jules's brother, who had just walked up to the group of girls. "hello! shall we head home or?" jacob asked, and the three girls nodded.

when the three girls had gotten home to nicole's place, they were exhausted. it had been over two days since they left, since the train ride was very long and uncomfortable, they hadn't gotten much sleep either. nicole had been kind enough to offer them to stay at her place. jules and jacob would be in los angeles for three days, and leo was back home, taking care of the house while they were gone. as jacob went to unpack in nicole's guest room, and jules brought her stuff into nicole's room, the three girls kept talking.

nicole and kaylee sat down on the bed as jules put her bags on the floor. "you have to tell us everything about matthew, girl!" nicole said, smiling suspiciously. jules rolled her eyes with a smile and sat down beside the girls to begin the entire story. "where do you want me to begin?" jules asked, and kaylee shrugged her shoulders. "wherever, we just want to hear about it!" the blonde girl spoke and jules snickered. "okay, so. he's eighteen, but he's repeating a class from junior year. that's how we met i guess! i bumped into him and he was so rude. i think that's where both me and him started developing the strong hate towards each other." jules started, trying to explain everything as clear as possible, but not leaving out the details. nicole and kaylee nodded with interest, encouraging her to continue.

"i didn't see him more, until me and kaylee bumped into his brothers at mcdonalds." jules said, glancing at kaylee. "oh my god yes, i remember the tension, please" kaylee laughed as nicole joined her. jules snickered at the thought of them meeting the triplets for the first time. that was a while ago. "i met him there as well, as you know kaylee. we weren't exactly friendly towards each other." the blonde girl continued the story, her friends listening carefully.

"we hated each other throughout the entire fall semester, but now right before winter break, something changed. i don't know what, but something. or, i guess things changed way before that as well, but i was too blind to see. he helped me with william, and i found comfort in him, i think." she continued, thinking back to when matthew had barged into william's house to beat him up for what he had done to the girl. nicole and kaylee looked at the girl with understanding, smiling softly.

"i found comfort in him when my parents died as well, and i think that's what triggered it. we got closer, not by choice, but by force. well, not force in that way. it was more like.. we both needed someone, and it just happened to be the other one, you know?" jules said, remembering how devastated she was when her parents had died, and how she started to find comfort in matt's presence, and in his eyes. "a week or two later, it was winter break, and that's when things really changed." jules smiled suspiciously, glancing at her friends. kaylee and nicole looked at each other and then at her. "tell us!" they insisted.

jules laughed before scratching her neck. "we made out in his kitchen.." she started, and her two friends immediately gasped. "and wildest dreams was playing in the background!" she hurried to continue, laughing at the last sentence. nicole gasped and the three girls started laughing. "that was the most unexpected, like, ever?" kaylee started. "yes you guys had some tension but i never thought something would actually happen." kaylee continued, laughing at the girl. nicole agreed with her friend. jules snickered, leaning back against the wall that was right beside the bed. "it's not nearly done.." she said, closing her eyes and giggling. her two best friends insisted on the continuation of the story, so of course they would get it.

jules told them all about how he showed up to her house all beaten up, how she took care of his wounds and their makeout session after that. how they were basically all cuddled up with each other two times, and their kiss before she had a sleepover with nick. the two friends were shocked to say at least, but so happy for their friend.

the three best friends kept talking a bit about matthew. "by the way, you know that night william hit me in my face?" jules brought up, nicole and kaylee getting silent almost immediately before nodding slowly. "matt came to pick me up, and even went inside to beat him up when he saw my cheek." jules said, smiling softly as she thought back to the memory. 

abbie speaks

FLASHBACK CHAP INCOMINGGG with more of matt's thoughts from the night

at williams house!!! also the trio reunion <3 <3 <3 

also let's imagine that it's not like over two days with train from boston to la!

ilysm and pls take careee <3 mwah

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