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real life

friday evening, again. the weeks flew by, and it was already november. jules were sat in biology class, barely paying attention to what the teacher was rambling on and on about. her eyes were focused outside the window, glancing at a bird hopping around on the ground.

and just like that, the bell rang. time had passed quickly, and finally it was fall break. the triplets would give jules a ride to their house today, so there she was stood, looking for her friend's car. she spotted it at last when nick waved from the back seat, spotting matt and chris already sitting there, watching her. the girl was about to walk in that direction, when someone stopped her. a hand around her wrist.

"hi jules" william spoke, eyes focused on hers. she lit up into a big smile. a smile was already formed on his lips though. "hi will" jules answered the blonde-haired boy, giving him a quick hug. "do you want to hang out tonight?" he said, letting his hands slide down from her back to her waist. low fucking waist. the girl widened her eyes slightly, before responding. "i'm not free tonight, i'm sorry" she said, looking into his eyes as an sincere apology.

"why? you are always too busy for me" william spoke, pulling the girl slightly closer. jules frowned, feeling bad for turning him down. "i promised to hang out with chris, matt and nick today, and no i'm not" the girl spoke, growing slightly annoyed at the boy for assuming that about her. his face changed immediately into a harsh look when he heard the three names being mentioned. "can't you cancel on them?" he said, now speaking a bit harsher. "and why them out of all people?" william added. jules sighed. why should he care about who she hung out with?

"no i won't cancel on them, i promised them so i can't just say i'm not going now." the girl responded, frowning slightly. the boy rolled his eyes, pulling the girl very close and pressing his lips against hers. they had only kissed once before, and that was a rare moment. why did he act all coupley now after he ghosted the girl not even two weeks ago. jules was surprised by the kiss, but leaned into the kiss after a second, not wanting to upset him even more.

he leaned back, ending the kiss. jules looked into his eyes, giving him a sweet smile, which he did not return. william walked away without a word, and the girl was stood there, with raised eyebrows. that's when she realized that her friends had watched her this entire time. jules ran to the car, apologizing for being late. nick assured her it was okay, and asked her about william. matt stayed quiet, but jules saw the empty look on his face. she raised her eyebrows for a second, before turning to nick again. the car carried on to their house, as the conversation about jules and william continued to be brought up.

chris and matt were setting up the stream, while the girl and nick were down in the kitchen, looking for snacks. nick groaned loudly when he only found a bag of chips, which he didn't want to eat. the pair plopped down on the couch, trying to figure something out. "i mean we can always go to the store quickly and buy something? i'll drive" jules spoke, nick's face lighting up at the idea. "yes yes yes!" he said in an excited tone. "lets go right now!" nick spoke, getting up to put his shoes on.

they were currently at the store, picking out some snacks and sodas for tonight. it was friday after all. they payed for everything, and went back home as fast as they could so matt and chris could start the stream. jules parked the car quickly, pulling out the car keys while her and nick exited the car, heading towards the front door. they laughed slightly when running up the stairs, with all their snacks in the pairs hands. jules opened the door to matt's room slowly, arms full with sodas and snacks for the night. chris flew up from his chair.

"you are officially my best friend, getting me pepsi for free" chris spoke, dabbing the girl up and accepting the soda from jules. nick laughed at him. "you are not stealing my best friend, thanks" nick spoke, glaring at chris. it was the girl's turn to laugh, throwing a bag of popcorn at chris and putting matt's coke on his desk. he had a strange look on his face though.

jules and nick sat down in the couch that was behind the gaming chairs. they were still visible through the camera, but wasn't really paying attention. they started talking, firstly about william. the girl told nick about how he acted earlier, and nick gasped. the stream had just started and thousands of people came rolling in. jules and nick kept gossiping in the back though, but they did start to whisper instead, afraid to out something on stream. chris said hi to everyone who joined, and half of the chat were spamming 'more jules content yay'.

"jules i think they're happy to see you again" chris spoke, turning around to face the girl. she looked from nick, to chris, and then to the camera, remembering that they were live. "hi guys, i'm grateful to be here" she said, nick giggling at her cheesy comment. she kept her eyes on the screen, hitting nick lightly on the arm with a straight face. he folded over the girl's lap, laughing even more. chris looked weirdly at the pair.

matt started the game, allowing chris to play first. chris sat down in front of the camera, where matthew were sat, before giving the chat a proper hi and waving for the viewers. chris kept playing but lost. the pair in the back couldn't stop laughing, so chris threw a pillow in their direction, which unfortunately hit the couch, not them. nick and jules laughed at chris's failed attempt to throw a pillow at them, while matt set up another round.

when chris kept loosing over and over again, he got up. "i'm done playing this shit, matt you go" chris spoke, gesturing to the chair. matt smiled at his brother's rage quit before sitting down into his chair, taking over the keyboard and mouse.

"my team was bad alright, it wasn't me?" chris said, emphasizing the 'me'. jules laughed out loud. "you blaming this on your team now?" she spoke, chris rolling his eyes at her, throwing another pillow and missing again, which made him even angrier.

abbie speaks

filler chap again ... just cute friendgroup bonding

except for matt and jules obvi

thank u for reading and ily

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