☆ 023 - ͙۪۪̥˚

192 4 1

TW ; mentions of abuse, abuse, fight

^i will mark the start and end of the tw with **, though mentions of abuse and descriptions will be a bit "all" over the chapter, so don't hesitate to skip this chapter if you need to <3 

real life

it was an awkward silence on the way there. matt was clearly bugged by william and the fact that he was headed there right now, and jules had nothing to say. she kept quiet, since he did. there was nothing to speak about, which made it awkward. the radio was playing faintly in the background, playing some random song. 

she focused on the song instead of the silence and it got better actually. she glanced out the window, admiring the nature that swooshed by outside. what she didn't know though, was that matthew glanced over at her when she didn't notice. their houses were only ten minutes away from each other, so it wasn't a long drive. 

the silence was still hanging in the air, and they finally arrived at william's house. he stopped the car and the radio died down, letting the silence suffocate the pair. she glanced over at him before opening her door. "well, uhm thank you" jules spoke awkwardly, him just narrowing his eyes at her. she resisted to roll her eyes and closed the door, before heading towards his doorstep. she heard the car drive off, and she hesitantly brought her hand up and knocked on the red door. a little shuffling was heard from the inside, before william opened the front door.

** TW 

"jules?" william said, clearly surprised by her sudden presence. he met her eyes, smiling. "hey, can i come in?" she spoke, still not sure if she wanted to do this or not. he could get really fucking angry, but she had to do something. william nodded, and stepped away from the door to let her in. he closed the door behind her and showed her where to sit down.

"so, are you here for us or-" he was cut off by her sigh, and then she opened her mouth to speak. "stop playing, we are not even really together. and that's why i'm here." she said, him raising his eyebrows. "i'm here to end things. really end things. i'm not going to be part of your fucking game anymore. face the fucking truth and realize that you can't just cheat on someone and then force your way into their life again." she rambled on, getting more frustrated for every word she spoke. as she had expected, william's eyes grew darker and darker. he was not happy with the idea of them officially breaking up. she didn't care though, so she got up and headed towards the door, but he grabbed her wrist, stopping her in her tracks. the grip was tight and not friendly.

he pulled her closer towards him, and she thought that he was pulling her in to hug her. it happened so fast though, and she didn't process what happened until her cheek was burning from pain. she gasped, bringing her hands up to her cheek. it was a hard slap, her skin already getting red and irritated. her eyes were filled with tears, the pain stinging badly. she ran towards the door, swinging it open and leaving the house behind. tears streamed down her face as she clicked on the first contact that popped up when she entered the 'phone' app. 

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now