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real life

the girl was happy to be back in boston, even though a small part of her was left back in los angeles. she knew that her heart would always belong to los angeles, where she was borned and raised by her loving family. but, boston was something different. the town made you feel safe, and she had found some of her best friends for life here, and she was more than thankful for that.

winter break was over, and even though she wasn't thrilled for school, it wasn't too bad either. jules was sat in her first period, which was history. she sighed and put her hair behind her ear, as she saw the rest of her classmates walk through the door. jules didn't know a lot of people in school, and didn't really care to make friends either since she already had the triplets, nicole and kaylee. her classmates chatted happily as they put down their stuff on their benches and taking their seat.

last into the classroom was as usual, matthew. he looked around the classroom for open seats, and saw jules sitting alone. her head was turned away as she gazed out the window, trying to make time pass faster. he smiled slightly as he looked down and walked up to the free chair beside her. "is this seat taken or?" matt spoke, causing the girl to turn her head and meet his eyes. her gaze immediately softened. she shook her head with a soft smile before turning her attention forward. matthew sat down beside the girl, glancing at her carefully as she rested her chin in her palm. after a minute or so, when mr. andersen still hadn't showed up, jules leaned back into her chair, putting her head on matt's shoulder carefully. matthew's arms was on the table, so jules held her arm around his, closing her eyes.

after five minutes, the door opened. the chatter quieted down when mr. andersen walked inside, together with another student. matt's attention went towards the door, and his jaw immediately clenched when he saw the boy. william. he sat in the back with his two friends, who was in this class as well. jules could feel the boy tensing up, so she lifted her head carefully, opening her eyes and looking around. her body immediately tensed as she saw him on the other side of the classroom. matt turned his head towards her, making sure that she was okay. her expression was blank, and she just laid her head down onto his shoulder again, as he kept his eyes on her. jules closed her eyes, leaning onto matthew carefully. she didn't want to overdo it, if matthew didn't want it to be public yet. it seemed like he had heard her thoughts though, because just when she was doubting this entire idea of leaning on him in the first place, his hand found hers, and they intertwined easily under the table.

she smiled, still having her head on his shoulder. matthew turned his head slightly and smiled softly at the girl, before mr. andersen cleared his throat to begin the lesson. jules sat up more straight and turned her attention up front, but their hands were still intertwined. she could feel the burning stare of her ex in her back, but did not want to turn around to meet his stare. instead, she gripped onto matthew's hand and focused on what mr. andersen was talking about at the front.

the lesson went by quick, mostly because her and matthew sat together and just talked, but also because the work was easy. when the lesson had finished, matt and jules parted ways and finished their school days on their own. when she finally met up with her three friends in the hallways, her breathing slowed. she felt a feeling of comfort enter her system, as her friends, especially one specific boy, noticed her heading their way. he smiled softly at the girl, and jules gave him a quick hug while greeting nick and chris as well.

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now