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real life + messages

a week passed. it was mid february and jules hadn't hung out one on one with matthew since last week. she had hung out with nick a lot, but barely anything with matt or chris. she felt bad, obviously. her and matt had started something that neither of them was so sure about, and now jules just left him in it alone. jules hadn't heard from matt since last week, and it was killing her. would he just let her go that easily? without even questioning anything?

nick had noticed the clear distancing from matt, but didn't say anything about it. he understood that something was going on for the girl, and didn't want to bother her any more about him. jules had been spending most her time with nicole and kaylee, but as well with nick. she had told nicole and kaylee about the whole distancing thing, because they kept asking about matt. they were her best friends after all and they deserved to know.

it felt like time was moving in slow motion. a week felt like a month, and jules was exhausted. school was driving her insane, and this entire matthew situation was the only thing that consumed her mind during the entire day, and even through her sleep. she couldn't get rid of him, and it bothered her. she hated how he was everywhere. in her head, in her dreams and in her friend group. she hated how he didn't reach out to her when he clearly noticed the distance between the two. she also hated how it all felt so easy for him. she hated it so much to the point where she didn't hate him at all. it was impossible.

there was no way that jules hated matthew. she had figured that one out a few weeks back, and so had her friends. jules was unsure about what she was feeling, and it was killing her. matt was like a drug and she needed him, but jules just couldn't. her heart was telling her one thing, while her brain said the complete opposite. was she really ready to get into something with matt when she broke up with william not even two months ago? they didn't date for a very long time, but the trauma that came with it wasn't going to be forgotten about any time soon, if ever.

it was too much right now. even though she denies the fact that she might actually start falling for the boy, he's on her mind all the time. little does she know that he is the same.

his mind was consumed by the girl all the time, and he can't stop thinking about their distance. she was so close, but still so far away. he didn't understand where all this were coming from. he enjoy kissing her, and he enjoy spending time with her. he likes the way she makes him feel, but he was not accepting the fact that he might be falling for the girl. it was not happening, and he was going to prove it. matt wasn't going to reach out to her when she would have reached out to him if she needed anything. matt wanted to think that if she actually would reach out, he wouldn't want to continue whatever they had going on, but he knew that he wouldn't keep that. matt couldn't stand seeing jules with any guy that wasn't him. but at the same time, he couldn't cave.

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now