☆ 024 - ͙۪۪̥˚

193 2 0

real life

they had finally gotten home, and jules had excused herself to go to the bathroom. nick had obviously noticed the red mark, but didn't bring it up after he got a look from matt. he could see the slight bruises on his brother's face as well, but decided to worry later. he let the pair head upstairs, since they obviously had something to discuss. jules had locked herself into the bathroom, watching the red mark through the mirror. she tried putting some cold water on it, but it did nothing but sting. she winced quietly when she dabbed some wet paper onto it, trying to make it sting any less. a soft knock was heard from the other side of the door.

"can i come in?" matt's voice was heard through the door. she stayed still for a moment, before sighing and unlocking the door. matt stepped inside, sitting down on the toilet beside her. there was a silence where he watched her dab wet paper onto her cheek, trying to cool it down. she eventually gave up and looked at the boy.

"we need to fix your wounds. again." she spoke, grabbing a spare towel and wetting it slightly. he rolled his eyes but he let the girl help him. she gently took his jaw and pulled it upwards to clean a wound on the chin. it was like at the party, but this time he didn't care if he stared at the girl. she worked her way up to the last cut on his forehead, him slowly moving his eyes up to her eyes. something had changed but he couldn't really tell what.

his eyes flickered just for a quick second to her lips, and then up to her eyes again. what the fuck? what was he doing? he realized how close their faces were, but tried to not think of it. she finished up the last wound and stepped away from the toilet, washing the towel. matt glanced at the girl's vulnerable state. "are you.." he started, tilting his head slightly. "..okay?" he added, keeping his eyes on the girl. she sighed ever so quietly, but he noticed it. she turned her head towards the boy.

"yeah, i was probably just being dramatic. are you? what happened in there?" she shot back, looking at matthew with curiosity and a glimpse of.. worry? he furrowed his eyebrows, not wanting her to feel like she was being dramatic. he said nothing though.

"we just fought, no biggie" he said simply. she rolled her eyes at the boy and turned around to unlock the bathroom and head out. "you never answered if you were okay" she spoke, turning her head slightly over her shoulder to look at him. he got up and was about to brush past her and get out, but he bent down to her ear. "what if i'm not?" he spoke slowly with a small smirk on his lips, her just keeping her eyes in front of her. "matthew." she said with a warning tone. he brushed past her with a chuckle and headed towards his room, leaving the girl behind. she put her hand carefully up to her cheek and checked herself in the mirror. it was still visible, but less red now. she would explain it all to nick either way so it didn't matter that he saw it.

she went downstairs to meet nick, and he immediately got up from the couch to hug her. the pair stayed quiet, just hugging each other. chris had obviously noticed that something wasn't right and stood behind nick, waiting for his turn. nick pulled away and looked at her cheek. "oh i will kill him" he spoke warningly, backing away slightly so chris could hug the girl. chris smiled slightly at the girl before the two embraced each other. she had grown close with the brothers, mostly nick and chris of course, but there was something changing about matt. something about how she felt around him and how they communicated. sure, it was bickering, but it was not the hate type of bickering.

after a few minutes of silence where they just hugged and made sure she was okay, they headed up to chris room. matt was still in his room, scrolling mindlessly on his phone, when the door opened. nick walked in, and sat down quietly on the end of the bed.

"what happened?" nick questioned, talking in a low tone. matt sighed slightly, not knowing if she'd be okay with him talking for her. "i don't know if she wants me to tell you about it." he replied, sitting up more straight. nick turned his head around to face his brother. "i already know what happened to jules, i was wondering what happened to you".

matt nodded slightly, not saying anything. nick sighed and eventually got up from the bed, and headed towards the door. he stopped in his tracks before he exited though, and turned around slightly. "do you wanna hang out with us in chris room?" nick asked his brother, not wanting to leave him out. matt thought for a second, but agreed and got up from his bed to follow his brother to chris room. when they entered the room, chris and jules sat in his bed, mid conversation. they both glanced over at the door, and chris smiled at the sight of his second brother.

the friend group enjoyed the rest of the night before jules unfortunately had to go home. she didn't want to face her brothers like this, but she had to tell them anyways. she hugged them goodbye, and settled with a tiny, tiny smile for matthew. it was progress, and they all noticed it, even if it was such a small gesture.

abbie speaks

just a cute chap of them bonding and

comforting jules <3 they're so sweet bye

ilysm and pleae take care, you're valid <3

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