☆ 017 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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real life + messages

the two had went inside after sitting in the rain for a while. he didn't speak, and neither did she. it was a ear deafening silence, but it was good for the girl's head. jules thoughts were running around in her head like it was a fucking marathon. william had done something, triggered something which made matt throw the first punch. she thought, and she thought. but she never figured it out. it all made her frustrated. so so frustrated.

matt and jules were sat in opposite corners of the couch, keeping quiet. the time was about five am now, and the girl just couldn't bring herself to walk out of the room and up to nick without figuring out what william had done. so she didn't. she stayed there, the entire fucking morning. matt never left, but it was like he wasn't there. 

finally though, at eight, the pair could hear the stairs creek. matt didn't react though, but jules immediately turned her eyes to the stairs, seeing nick enter the living room. he glanced at the two with a strange look.

"hello?" nick said hesitantly, before turning back to jules. "why did you sneak out and how did i not wake up?" he added, looking at her curiously. she looks at the boy with a look that says 'i'll tell you later'. nick got the hint, and headed out of the living room to make some breakfast. that was when matt actually moved for the first time in a few hours. jules glanced over at the movement, seeing him stand up and head over to the stairs, on his way to his room.

now it was her and nick alone, so she knew she would have to talk about it. he did already know half of it though. as he finished up making some sandwiches, he walked over to the couch and settled down beside the girl.


"i don't know what you want me to spill, there's nothing to talk about" jules shrugged, and nick raised his eyebrows to voice his skepticism. the girl glanced at her friend, raising her hands up in surrender. "i promise. i wanted a night snack and matt were in the kitchen. we exchanged some words and he made me frustrated so i went outside to sit in the rain." jules explained, nick now understanding the tension hanging in the air.

"what did he say?" nick asked carefully, not wanting to overstep. she stayed quiet at first, but then decided to just explain. "it wasn't really something he said, it was the things he didn't say. i got frustrated and just needed some alone time. he did follow me though." she explained, nick listening intensely. he understood that she was talking about the fight, and that matt knew something that she didn't.

"i'll try to talk him about it. you should get home and get changed. go take a warm shower. you must be freezing in these clothes" nick suggested, getting up from the couch. jules nodded. "can i come back afterwards?"

"you are always welcome, jules".

the warm shower had just ended, and it was eleven am. jules was doing her skincare, while listening some random music playing on her speaker. she quietly hummed along, massaging in the products that she were using.

her phone lit up, showing that she had gotten a notification. the girl assumed it was from nick, asking when she was coming over again, but it was not. 

will <3

hey babe

wyd today?

she rolled her eyes, turning her phone off to turn around to her mirror to continue her skincare. when she finally finished, she brushed her teeth and went to change into a new outfit that wasn't soaked from the rain.

the girl's phone had beeped a few times the last ten minutes, but she decided to ignore it. she couldn't stand william right now. it was when she had knitted her shoes and were on her way to the three brother's house, that she got one final notification. jules were about to throw her phone out the house, but stopped herself when she saw the text. right there, in between a few texts from william, and one from nick, another message had popped up just now.


can we talk

a few minutes had passed where she had just stared at the three words on her screen, before she snapped into reality and realized that she was on her way to his house right now. what did he want to talk about? jules was already frustrated with this man, so this better be important.

her mind wandered over a few topics that he possibly wanted to talk about, none of them actually making any sense, until the last topic entered her mind. the fight with william. she couldn't see any other reason to why this boy would want to talk to her voluntarily without having an important reason.



abbie speaks


matt wants to talk??? with jules???

without force??? what's going awnnnn (no

they are not falling in love yet pls.)

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now