☆ 004 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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real life

it was friday evening, and jules couldn't help but let out a contented sigh as she reflected on the week that had passed. her school week had been filled with challenges and victories, but the highlight had undoubtedly been the completion of the project she and her william had been working on tirelessly. finally though, the project was finished and they had given it to mrs. fitz earlier today.

last period was about to start, and jules was full-on weekend mode. she was ready to get home, put on comfortable clothes, grab a cup of tea and some cinnamon rolls, and just lay down into her cozy couch, with gossip girl playing. she was ready to get home to her lovely brothers, make a tasty meal and listen to some music. the lesson was about to start, and the last students were making their entrance to the classroom, while mr. scott were scribbling down notes on the white board.

entering the classroom last out of everyone was the dark-headed boy that jules had seen earlier this week. she glanced over at him, now getting a better look. he had a smile plastered on his lips, not a happy smile though, more like a smirk. his eyes were fixated on the board, sitting down diagonally from jules. the girl took her eyes of him, and focused on mr. scott who was waiting to start the lesson. but what she didn't notice was that a pair of eyes examined her carefully.

students basically rushed out of the classroom door when the bell rang, signaling that it was friday evening, and that school was over. jules gathered her books and her computer, picking everything up and exiting the classroom. she headed towards her locker, but didn't get far before she crashed into another body. in shock, the girl dropped her book, luckily holding on to her computer. jules glanced up to the face that belonged to the body. the dark-haired boy put up his hands in surrender, before seeing the girl.

"oh, i'm sorry. i didn't see you." jules spoke, breaking the silence that had built up between them. the boy scanned her quickly, not saying a word before sliding past her and continuing on to his locker. the girl was a little taken back, but continued on to her locker.

"rude" she mumbled to herself, while unlocking her locker, taking out her bag before locking it again, heading towards the doors. jules was just about to exit the building, when she heard her name from behind her. the girl turned around in curiosity, noticing william walking in her direction. a smile formed on her lips. "hey, saw you crashing into matthew back there, you good?" william asked, looking genuine like he actually wanted to know. "yeah, i'm fine. he was a tad quiet though? what's up with him?" jules responded, assuring him that she's okay. the girl wanted to know more about this guy, and why he acted like that. "no one really knows, he's been kind off.. cold? since like last summer. don't put too much effort in talking with him." he spoke, giving her a little bit more information about the boy. jules sighed as she said her goodbyes to william. to her surprise, he stopped her.

"hey before you go, would you like to hang out this weekend? we can grab something to eat tomorrow or something?" william asked, a smile forming on his face. the girl looked at him with a surprised look for a few seconds, being a little taken aback, but quickly answering. "yeah sure, sounds great! take my number and text me the details." jules responded, giving him her number, and turning around slowly to head towards the exit. "i'll see you tomorrow." she ended the conversation, before disappearing behind the doors.

the walk home was peaceful. the cozy daylight had now started to dip below the horizon. jules placed her airpods in each ear, starting her playlist.

˗ˏˋ song recommendation ; lovers rock by tv girl 'ˎ˗

the melody of lovers rock started playing as jules continued her journey home. cars passing by her in varied colors, autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place. the girl cherished the crispy air, and the smell of wet leaves forming around her. a small feeling of calmness entered her mind, allowing her body to relax. birds singing their last song of the day, and distant chatter from inside town. forest building up at the end of the horizon, like a big wall, separating her from the real world. boston felt unreal sometimes, especially during fall.

jules thought back to the highlights of today. crashing into the dark-haired boy, apparently named matthew and him just walking off. her mind wandered to the moment after that with william, asking her to hang out, her mind spinning, not being sure how to feel. with the leaves dancing in the wind and the sun now long gone below the horizon, jules arrived back at home with a sense of freedom, entering the house, where the warmth embraced her immediately. pausing her music and placing her airpods back into the box, she entered the kitchen, where leo, jacob and someone else was sat. jules scanned the back of the new presence.

"hello jules!" jacob said as he got up and pulled his little sister into a quick hug. he noticed her curiosity for the new person, sitting with her back facing them. jacob had a smug plastered onto his face, as he nudged the strange girl on her shoulder. there was something familiar about this girl that jules just couldn't put her finger on. the blonde girl turned around, revealing her face. jules face immediately lit up into a bright beam, before rushing forward and pulling her best friend into a tight hug.

"oh my god!" jules mumbled into her best friend's neck, being so happy to see her friend again after months. kaylee had been out of town for a month before they left to boston, so they hadn't seen each other since mid july. for a pair of best friends, that's living hell. "hi jule! so glad to see you again!" kaylee pulled away from the hug, a smile formed on her lips. jules looked at the pair of brothers, smiling at the sight of their sister being happy. "did you two know about this?"

"maybe, maybe not?" leo said, looking at his brother and then at his little sister. he let out a small chuckle before seeing his sister roll her eyes and dragging her best friend with her to her room. 

abbie speaks


she's actually sooo fav

jules bumping into matt as well and

him being quiet what

take care ily

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now