☆ 009 - ͙۪۪̥˚

211 1 0

real life

waking up the next morning from her vibrating beside her in the bed, she groaned. the girl flipped her phone so that the screen was facing upwards and saw an incoming call from nick.

"hello?" she spoke groggily. nick chuckled immediately. "did you, like, just wake up or?" the boy questioned, jules humming in response, barely keeping her eyes open.

"just letting you know that we'll pick you up in twenty" nick spoke, hearing chris laugh faintly in the background. jules flew up into a sitting position, staring at the time. "WHAT" she exclaimed. "why didn't you wake me up earlier!" jules said, getting out of bed and running towards the bathroom. "i texted you like five times but you were asleep, what was i supposed to do?" nick laughed, jules sighing and starting to cleanse her face. nick stayed on call, and she could her him and his brothers talk faintly in the background.

"okay we'll give you thirty, want anything from starbucks?" he spoke after a short minute of him mumbling with his brothers. jules sighed with relief. "thank you, yes just order me an iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel please".

jules were finishing up her makeup with rollers in her hair and her breakfast plate beside her. the girl layered on the last layer of mascara before getting up and walking over to her bigger mirror. she took out her rollers, revealing her silky blonde hair in curls. layering on some hairspray, and then she was off. she wore a basic outfit for the day, not wanting to overdress.

she knitted her shoes before grabbing her white puffy jacket and heading outside. their car were waiting outside, nick waving instantly when he saw the girl. she smiled, hurrying up to the car. she opened the door in the backseat, getting in.

"hey!" nick said, giving the girl a side-hug while chris said a quick hey, not turning around. jules smiled sweetly before greeting them back. matt though, he stayed quiet, just handing her the coffee that they had ordered for her.

"thanks." she said, trying to come off polite but instead sounding kind of dry. she just couldn't help it, it was an awkward tension between the pair and she couldn't just ignore it. instead, the girl turned to nick and started rambling to him about her morning. nick listened intensely, laughing at the part where she overslept, which resulted in her playfully hitting him on his arm.

jules had half of her coffee left when they started the recording. she wasn't shy since she used to recording videos herself, but it was a little bit nerveracking being in one of their videos. "today we have a special guest joining us!" nick did the opening of the video, presenting and informing about what they was going to do in today's video. jules introduced herself to the camera, actually feeling a bit confident. the video was so much fun to record, and when they were done, the group went to the triplets house to hang.

jules social battery had died a little bit, but she was just hanging around in nicks room, listening to whatever playlist was on, while they went to get mcdonalds for the group of hungry teenagers. the girl opened a few snaps, scrolled on instagram and picked a few songs before letting the speaker just randomly play any song. after a good twenty minutes, jules heard the door open, a few voices that belonged to her friends, and then a door slam.

nick entered the room with a mcdonalds bag in hand and a two drinks in the other. the girl smiled at him "don't fucking drop the drinks nick" jules exclaimed, he rolled his eyes at the girl before handing her the coke and the bag. she opened the bag and picked up everything that she ordered, before passing it on to nick.

"fire music you've got playing here" nick said, bopping his head to the beat. 'les' by childish gambino was heard faintly in the background. jules chuckled, agreeing with the boy. they enjoyed their mcdonalds, before rambling to each other about everything.

"ugh i have fucking school tomorrow" jules groaned, falling back onto her back on his bed, nick laughing. "sucks to suck!" he said before frowning. "oh my fuck, matt has school as well, and that fucking boy can not be quiet in the mornings." nick spoke, letting out a long sigh. it was jules turn to laugh at her friend. he slapped her arm playfully. the seniors were off tomorrow because their teachers were grading some tests or whatever.

time passed on quickly, and it was time for jules to get home since she had school in the morning. she hugged nick and chris goodbye and thanked them for the day. matt was nowhere to be seen, probably up in his room scrolling through tiktok. the girl left the big house, stepping outside into the cold and crispy evening. since it was late october, the dark had already fallen over the very much alive city. the lights from inside town still lit up her path though, making sure she wouldn't trip. 

abbie speaks

no comment fr

just a cute little bonding chap

jules and matt still hating each other

ily all take care

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