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˗ˏˋ song recommendation ; wildest dreams by taylor swift 'ˎ˗

it was quiet and dark in the kitchen. the faint light from the moon that shined through the window gave a little bit of light, but nothing much. she decided to not turn the light on, afraid to wake chris and jacob up, since the kitchen was right beside the living room. she stumbled around in the kitchen, getting sodas and some pop tarts for her and nick. when she was done, she stopped for a second and thought of how her parents sat up there in the sky, looking down at her. a few tears fell down her cheek. she quickly dried them off though, when the stairs creaked. jules heard faint footsteps, before it went quiet. the speaker in the kitchen was playing 'wildest dreams' by taylor swift on low volume, but it seemed loud since it was so quiet in the house.

"sorry, i didn't think anyone was down here. it was so dark." matthew's voice was heard. jules almost flinched of the sudden break of silence, but turned around to where she could see a silhouette in front of her. from where matthew was standing right now, you could only see his silhouette. the details on his face was hidden in the dark, but she knew it was him.

"don't worry." she spoke carefully, realizing how tiny her voice sounded. she was sure that he had heard her though. he didn't move an inch, and neither did she. the only thing you could hear was them breathing. the small source of light outside got a little bit brighter, allowing the girl to see his features. he was already looking at her though. for a few seconds, they looked into each others eyes. she didn't really notice it, but matthew was closer now than before. her eyes flickered down to his lips. no, no, no, no. this was a bad idea. she knew it from the start, but something inside of her was drawn to him.

her brain told her to not do it, but her heart wanted the complete opposite. her heart was banging inside her chest. she didn't know if it was the fact that her parents just died, and her feelings became overwhelming, but matthew's face wasn't further away than a foot now and her eyes flickered between his lips and his eyes. he stopped though, and looked into her eyes, breathing. 

he wanted confirmation. her heart acted before her brain could, and broke the distance between the two. she was kissing matthew. matthew fucking sturniolo? it was a passionate kiss though. matthew's hands slipped down to her waist, pulling her closer to him. it was a strange feeling, but she was craving it. it was like she just found the last piece to a puzzle she's been trying to solve her entire life. her hands moved up to his neck. she kept one at his neck, the other one in his hair. the kiss continued, and matthew's right hand went up to her cheek.

he pulled away though so they could catch their breaths, and to get the same confirmation again. his eyes were insecure, but had a glimpse of wildness in them. jules eyes were wild, and she kept her eyes on his. after a few seconds she broke the distance once again and matthew smirked against her lips. matthew walked even closer to the girl, her back hitting the edge of the kitchen island. she stood there, making out with her sworn enemy. would she overthink this tomorrow? probably. but she decided to not think about that now. his hands slipped down to her waist again and she smiled, moving her hands to his neck once again.

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now