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real life

the girl followed matthew out of the room. she took a grip around his wrist, making him flinch before stopping. jules frowned slightly, before breaking the tension.

"nick and chris wants to head home, i told him i'd find you and we would meet them there" jules spoke, matthew rolling his eyes, and without a word, heading towards the front door. she followed him, exiting the house and started walking towards the car. nick waved at them, but immediately stopped when he saw matt's face being all bruised up.

"what the fuck happened to you?" nick said, speedwalking up to his brother to take a look at his face. he frowned slightly, turning around to jules. "i have no idea, i found him like this." she said defensively. nick sighed before turning to matt again. "you are not driving like that." he spoke, emphasizing the 'not'.

"i'll drive, i've only had like one beer. it'll be fine." jules offered to drive, seeing as nick was worried and she wanted to help in any way she could. nick thanked her, giving her a sweet smile before pushing his brother and himself into the backseat. chris called shotgun of course, and jules got into the drivers seat. she started backing out from the weird and random parking, making sure to not wreck their car. she glanced slightly at matt in the rear window, her eyes meeting his for a short second, before she focused onto the road again. it would all be normal tomorrow.

jules woke up the next morning sprawled out on a couch that she didn't remember how she ended up in. a massive headache screeched in her head, telling her to close her eyes. the girl refused, scanning her surroundings before recognizing the house as the triplets house. it was peaceful and quiet, birds singing outside. she rose up, stretching her legs and arms. she was still in her skirt, but a t-shirt was put on over her corset.

the girl walked over to the kitchen, needing a sip of water. she started looking for the cabinet with the glasses in it with no luck. "cabinet to your left." a voice spoke. jules turned around hastily from the sudden presence of matt sturniolo. the girl opened the left cabinet, and grabbed a cup. she filled it with cold water and took a sip. she carefully inspected matt's bruised face, while he was walking around in the kitchen, making himself some breakfast. the bruises had faded into a blueish color, and they were bigger and more visible now, but the cuts had started to heal slightly.

"stop staring" he spoke, walking over to the refrigerator to get some orange juice out. the girl scoffed at his big ego. "then stop looking like the smurfs." she chuckled, putting her cup into their dishwasher. he rolled his eyes. "your boyfriend's fault, not mine." matt said, walking up the stairs, disappearing into his room. "fuck you then" jules mumbled to herself, before going back to the couch. it was just her and matt awake, the two other brothers were full sleep-mode, and didn't wake up until eleven am. jules had pulled a blanket over herself, putting on some random episode of gossip girl to watch on low volume. she heard footsteps on the stairs, and then a loud groan. nick.

"good morning to you too, sunshine" she said, smiling mockingly at the tired boy. he fake smiled at the girl before going back to his tired, puffy face, making himself something to eat. "have you eaten?" he asked, opening the refrigerator. she shook her head. "i didn't want to barge into your house and invade your refrigerator, so no." she chuckled, he responded with a short laugh. "i'll make you something." he spoke, grabbing some eggs.

"thank you nick, you're the best."

a few minutes later, nick and jules sat in the couch, watching gossip girl. it was so much fun, and they kept getting off topic. when they had watched four episodes, it was time to get up. nick and jules got ready and then got starbucks and drinks for everyone, which was very appreciated for the hangover.

jules and nick entered the house, mid-conversation, with coffee in their hands. she handed chris his pepsi, and matt his coke. nick and the girl settled for some coffee though.

"ugh thanks jule, you are literally the best" chris spoke, accepting the drink from jules hands, opening it immediately and taking a sip. matt quietly took his soda from the girl, not speaking a word. she wanted to scoff, but resisted the urge and took a sip of her coffee instead.

"where's my credits and appreciation in this?" nick gasped at the lack of appreciation he got. 

abbie speaks

fill chapter again because we need

a breather from last chap



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