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real life

the triplets had arrived at her house, her not really noticing. she was in her room, playing folklore from taylor swift on loud volume. in this moment, the soft melody of 'illicit affairs' echoed between the four walls. the three brothers could sense pretty easily where the girl were, and headed in that direction after greeting her brothers.

nick opened the door and stepped inside, jules looking over at the now open door. she turned her music down slightly, so that she could greet them. she got up and hugged nick as an greeting, him handing her the stuff he got from target. jules gave a quick smile to nick before greeting chris as well with an embrace. when the pair let go, jules eyes landed on matthew.

she scoffed before meeting his eyes. "hello matthew." jules spoke, matt rolling his eyes at the use of his full name. "hello jules. no hugging for me thanks" he said, walking past her to enter the room. jules scoffed loudly. "bold of you to assume that i would've offered you one." the girl spoke with raised eyebrows before sitting down on her bed again. nick and chris shared a glance, but decided to not bring it up. they talked for a bit and while jules was having a conversation with nick, she caught matt looking at her. she didn't think much of it because why would she? throughout the night, she kept catching his eyes on her. 

fall break was over and school had started again. when the girl's alarm rang at 6:30 am, she groaned loudly before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. it was tuesday, and it was the first day back to school after fall break. the teacher's had been on this trip again over the break, and came home late yesterday, so they had an extra free day.

the fall break mostly involved spending time with her brothers and her friends. she slept over at the triplets house most of the time, but went home the last two days to get back into her routines. she was not excited to go back to school. jules knew that she had to face william eventually, and that would be today, considering they had at least two classes together. she got up and got ready as she usually did, choosing a decent outfit and putting on a light layer of makeup.

after a quick breakfast and greeting with her brothers, she was off to school. the entire way there, she was biting her nails nervously, not wanting to face the problems that came with school and her boyfriend. well, ex boyfriend. jules arrived a few minutes before the first period started, so she used the time to check her socials quickly. she scrolled through instagram and then checked her snapchat. nothing new really, so she put her phone down and looked around in the hall, when she spotted william walking towards her. she immediately widened her eyes, trying to walk away from there, but he grabbed her wrist, not allowing her to leave.

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now