☆ 046 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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real life + social media

matt awoke by the sun shining through his window. it was the very beginning of march, and his head was pounding from the hangover. last night was chaos, but he doesn't remember much of it. he remembered walking through the front, and nick confronting him. he remembers getting frustrated and walking off to his room, and then collapsing onto his bed. he must've fallen asleep.

the boy sat up straighter and turned his head towards his bedside table. his phone laid there, screen facing down and also a glass of water. he tilted his head slightly, but picked the glass up and downed the water in a few seconds. he grabbed his phone and checked through his notifications. a few of them were from instagram, more specifically that jules had posted something on instagram. he hesitated, but clicked onto the post.


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liked by cakelee, fruitytriplet and 102 543 others

julestine1 last couple of weeks feeling like

fruitytriplet love you

julestine1 love u too nick <3

christmastopher looks comfortable

liked by creator

cakelee and loads of ice cream fr

user i love jules kaylee and nicole

tictacnic watched this in action

julestine1 unfortunately 

he looked at the girl and then at the caption. seriously? his thoughts raced through his head as he exited the instagram app and saw that he had an unread voice message. he clicked on it, seeing the contact name. his heart dropped a little, but he pressed play anyways. a little bit of shuffling was heard before her voice echoed through his speaker.

hey. it's jules. i think you're asleep right now, so i'll just leave a voice message. i really need to see you, there's stuff i need to talk about and i shouldn't have taken care of things the way i did. please call me back, or send a message. anything. goodnight.

matt's pulse quickened at the sound of her voice again, but he quickly turned off his phone. was he really able to give in again? he had done it once, and look at where it got him. well, he hadn't been the best either, going out to make out with loads of girls in hope to forget about the very one girl that now wanted to talk to him after weeks. right when he was about to make a decision, his door opened. nick walked in and just stood there, saying nothing.

"hey?" matt said, raising his eyebrows. nick raised one of his eyebrows. "get up, you are talking to jules today and you can't say no." nick said, almost like he heard the voice message that matt just listened to. matt hesitated, looking at his phone quickly as he pressed his lips together. nick stopped in his movements and looked at the boy with a suspicious look, before raising his eyebrows. "you already were, weren't you?" nick exclaimed and matt shaked his head quickly. nick rolled his eyes, and matt raised his arms in surrender. "she sent me a voice message. she asked to see me. i don't know.. what to do?" matt hesitated, glancing at his phone as nick sat down beside his brother.

nick gave him a tightlipped smile, and put a hand on his shoulder. "you're talking to her." nick said, and matt sighed, which made nick roll his eyes and then look at his brother. "yes, the way she handled things wasn't great at all." he started. "but you need to talk to her. you two need to figure out what is going on, instead of fleeing at the first feeling of love." nick said, tilting his head at his brother. matt glanced up to nick before he fell back onto the bed. nick got up. "i'll have her over at six, okay? fix things with her. please. and be honest with her, for fucks sake." nick said, before closing the bedroom door behind him. matt groaned. fuck. 

jules was anxiously walking around her in room. she had received the message from nick asking her to come over an hour ago. she had answered that she would be there, but was she ready to expose and let everything out? everything that she had been struggling to pick up and bury inside her for weeks. was she ready to let a boy take the pieces of her heart and mend it? after william, she wasn't sure. but she was sure of one thing. she was totally and hopelessly in love with matthew sturniolo.

it was half past five, and jules was all ready to start walking to their house. she was wearing a basic outfit, still nice though. a tight white t-shirt and a few gray low waisted jeans. her hair was laying messily over her shoulders, her curls from the rollers resting on her coat. she put on her shoes and started her way towards the triplets house. it was now or never.

abbie speaks

sooon yaallll soon!!!!

only two chaps left :( 

i love you all sm really mwah

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