☆ 011 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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real life + messages

the friend group arrived at the party, being welcomed by a nice guy name alex. they said hi to a few people, before heading inside since it was fucking freezing. inside, nick and jules accepted the welcome drink, while chris went to find his friends, and matt just headed inside, being quiet. party pooper.

a few minutes after the girl and nick had accepted the drinks, they were stood, leaning against the kitchen counter, talking shit about everyone's costumes and laughing at some dude who tried to hit on jules. suddenly, she feels an arm sneak around her waist. the girl turned to her left side, spotting william beside her. "hi" she said with a smile on her lips. he gave her a sweet smile back. "hi, you look hot." william spoke. jules laughed, leaning into his neck, giving him a quick hug. his hand traveled down her waist. a bit too far down. she turned to nick, seeing his alerting look. she tilted her head slightly in confusion, but got the hint.

"i'm gonna go with nick to check out the party, i'll see you later?" jules spoke, eyes connected to his. he held eye contact. "yeah i'll see you later." william said. jules smiled at him, kissing him lightly on the cheek before leaving with nick.

"jules he is such a red flag" nick said, while the pair was walking to get some fresh air. the girl laughed, clearly thinking that he was just joking around. she met his eyes, realizing that he was serious. "wait, how?" jules spoke, genuinely wondering. nick sighed, not really being able to explain it. "told you, he isn't a red flag" jules said, ignoring nicks loud sigh afterwards and dragging him outside.

it had been two hours since they arrived at this halloween party. jules had only had the welcome drink and one beer, so she was still kind of sober. she was outside, admiring the stars and talking to some random girl at the party, when she heard yelling from inside the house. jules immediately got up from her seat, hurrying inside to make sure everything was alright, and that her friends were okay. she pushed through the crowd of sweaty bodies, but when she had reached the open door, the drama was over and it ended quicker than it had begun. 

jules saw matt dart away from the crowd, heading further into the house. her eyes flew over to a blonde guy, her blonde guy, walking the opposite direction, holding his hand in pain. she easily connected the dots, and for some god damn reason, she decided to follow matthew.

jules pushed through bodies dancing, this time a bit quicker. she saw matt head into a bedroom, and left the door slightly open. as she got closer, the girl could hear the water tap running. jules carefully opened the door fully open, walking into the room. matt became visible, and in the beam of the bathroom light, she could see open wounds and bruises on his face and on his arms. what the fuck. she walked straight into the bathroom, announcing her presence by sighing. he quickly turned around, surprised by the sudden presence from the blonde girl.

"not you.." he said, throwing his head back and groaning. the girl took offense to that, since she only wanted to help. "okay first of all, fuck you? i was just making sure you were okay" the girl spoke, breaking the silence once more. the dark-haired boy, glanced at her with raised eyebrows and a hesitant look, not believing a word she said in that moment.

"well i don't need your help" matt snapped, walking past the girl to grab a towel that were hanging on the wall beside her. "oh get over yourself" she said, snatching the towel from his hands before he could even react to her words. the boy fell quiet. "sit." she said, gesturing at the counter. matt smirked slightly. "i don't know what you think this is but-" he started speaking, but being cut off by her punching him in the shoulder. he folded over slightly from the pain shooting down his arm. "shut up and sit." matthew eventually gave in and sat on the counter, letting the girl wash his open wounds.

he tried to not look at her, that would be fucking weird. he found her earrings very interesting for a few seconds before she tilted his head to the side to clean up some wounds. matt closed his eyes, scrunching his nose from the pain. "don't be a fucking baby" jules spoke, turning around to wash the towel and get new cold water onto it. she moved down to his arm, carefully wiping the blood off. he scoffed at her shitty comment, before continuing to stay silent. the bathroom was so silent that you could hear their breaths. she swallowed, before opening her mouth to break the silence.

"why did you do it?" she spoke, cleaning up his last wound on his right cheek. matthew's eyes darted to hers. the girl didn't look at him though, she was focused on the wound. the dark-haired boy stayed silent for a few seconds. "i don't know what you're talking about." he spoke, denying it. he kept denying it. deny, deny, deny. she scoffed. "do you think i'm stupid? i may be a little drunk, but i can still think." he didn't hesitate to answer that. "yeah i think you are stupid."

the girl used the towel to press slightly harder against his open wound, making it sting. "okay okay, point made" he said, scrunching his nose from the pain. she went to wash the towel from blood, and with her back turned to the boy, she spoke. "literally man up and just admit you punched him." matthew scoffed, again. "i did punch him" he said, getting off the counter, heading out of the room. she sighed.

3 new text messages


where are youuu

me and chris want to go home

meet us at the car and find matthew

yeah that's fine

i'll find him

abbie speaks

matt fighting is so out of character help

but let's imagine it

william and matt FIGHTTTT

i loved writing this chap


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