☆ 033 - ͙۪۪̥˚

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real life 

the four of them arrived at jules house at around 12. leo opened the door, already fixing with the cake. jacob would be home in about thirty minutes or so, so they had plenty of time to fix and set up the cake. leo decorated it, and jules brought out the presents that leo and her had bought for him last week and placed them on the table.

"all set?" jules asked and leo nodded. he placed the cake on the table and put a few candles in them that he then lit up. they heard keys scrambling, and then the door unlocking. jacob walked inside and took off his shoes and coat, before entering the kitchen.

"happy birthday!" they all said, and jacob was surprised. he smiled widely and looked at the cake and the presents. "thank you guys so much, this is so nice." he said, walking further into the room. he pulled everyone in for a hug before approaching the cake to blow out the candles. 

the day continued and jacob opened his presents and the group of friends spent the rest of the day hanging out and talking. jules sat in the couch, nick on the floor, chris on a chair, leo in end of the couch and matt on the other couch in front of them. jacob sat down beside his sister, and nudged her side. he catched her looking over at matt. matt was focused on his brother talking though.

"what's going on with you two?" jacob whispered. jules didn't answer at first, but then she leaned back into the couch. "i have no idea." she spoke with a low voice and sighed. jules looked away from the boy for a few seconds, before looking back at him. this time though, he was looking at her. he nodded his head in the direction beside him, gesturing the girl to sit with him. jacob smiled slightly at the girl, but didn't say anything. jules sat still though, hesitating.

matt raised his eyebrows, and gestured once more for her to sit down beside him. she gave in, and moved across the room to sit down beside the boy. he smiled amusedly before he laid his arm on the couch behind the girl. they sat close, and jacob sure noticed, but the others were too busy talking to react. jules gave jacob a look, and he raised his eyebrows and snickered silently.

jules zoned out slightly, letting her thoughts and mind wander away. what a month it had been. her parents gone, and now she was falling for matthew out of the blue? maybe it wasn't out of the blue though. i mean, they all saw it coming except herself and matt. winter break was over in two weeks, but she didn't feel stressed about school at all. she had her friends, and matt. her mind wandered away again, but she snapped back into reality though when matt started to touch her leg slightly with his fingers. he made repetitive movements, back and fourth with only his fingertips touching her leg. she glanced at his fingers, but said nothing more. she liked that he had gotten comfortable with showing affection for her in public as well, even though they just started paying attention to the feelings that had been lingering to come out of the dark.  

˗ˏˋ WAR OF HEARTS ; m. sturniolo 'ˎ˗Where stories live. Discover now