secret moments in a crowded room

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It was the night of the party. The front yard was alive with students laughing and chatting, their voices carrying on the warm night breeze as they mingled beneath the soft glow of string lights strung between the trees. Inside, the house pulsed with energy, every room transformed into a makeshift dance floor where bodies moved in a synchronized rhythm to the beat of the music. 

The living room, with its worn leather couches and mismatched armchairs, had been cleared of furniture to make way for the dance floor, where colored lights danced across the walls. The air was thick with the  scent of sweat and alcohol.

As Victoria and Caitlin approached the bustling venue where the party was in full swing, the atmosphere was electric with anticipation. Victoria's heart quickened as she caught sight of familiar faces mingling in the crowd, her anticipation matched only by the warmth of Caitlin's hand intertwined with hers.

 Everywhere she looked, people danced and laughed. Jada, Gabbie, and Kate were among the first to greet them, their smiles infectious as they enveloped Victoria and Caitlin in warm embraces. 

Excited squeals and hugs ensued as the group exchanged greetings and immediately started talking "Vic, Cait you both look stunning!" exclaimed Kate, her eyes twinkling with excitement. 

"Thanks, Kate! You look amazing too," Victoria replied with a warm smile, returning the compliment. Gabbie and Jada chimed in with their own compliments, their enthusiasm infectious.

 But it didn't take long for them to notice Caitlin's unwavering attention to Victoria, her hand resting possessively on her waist as they conversed. "Wow, you're really not letting Vic out of your sight tonight, huh?" Gabbie remarked with a playful smirk, her eyebrows raised suggestively as she nudged Jada and Kate. 

Jada nodded in agreement, her gaze flickering between Caitlin and Victoria with a knowing smile. "Looks like someone's got it bad," she teased, her tone laced with amusement. 

Caitlin, unfazed by their playful banter, simply grinned and tightened her grip on Victoria's waist, pulling her closer in a silent display of affection. "Guilty as charged," she teased sarcastically with a laugh, her eyes never leaving Victoria's as she spoke. 

Victoria blushed at the attention, feeling a surge of warmth flood her cheeks at Caitlin's unabashed display of affection. Caitlin had always been affectionate but in the past few weeks it started feeling different, a good different.

As the night unfolded, Caitlin's touch remained a constant presence, a reassuring anchor amidst the chaos of the party. Her hand rested gently on Victoria's waist as they navigated the crowded dance floor or wrapped around her shoulders. Caitlin would whisper jokes and witty remarks  in Victoria's ear,  making the girl laugh as she leaned into Caitlins touch. 

At one point Caitlin found herself momentarily drawn away from Victoria's side as Kate pulled her into a conversation, her animated gestures punctuating her words as she recounted something that had happened with her roommate. Caitlin listened attentively, nodding and laughing at all the right moments, but her gaze kept drifting back to where Victoria was dancing with Jada and Gabbie. 

From across the room, Caitlin watched as Victoria moved with effortless grace, her body swaying to the music in perfect harmony with her surroundings. As Caitlin watched, a surge of warmth flooded her chest, her heart swelling with an overwhelming sense of love and admiration for the girl. Caitlin couldn't keep her eyes off her. She was mesmerized by the way the lights danced across her features, casting shadows and highlights that seemed to accentuate her beauty. And so she stood, transfixed, her conversation with Kate forgotten as she watched Victoria dance, her heart swelling with a fierce sense of pride and affection. 

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