cruel summer with you

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It's a warm, sunny summer day, and Vic is eagerly preparing for a weekend getaway to the lake with friends. Vic and Caitlin are at Caitlin's house, packing their bags for the trip. They've got everything they need: swimsuits, sunscreen, towels, and a cooler filled with snacks and drinks. Joining them for the fun weekend are Olivia, Kate, Gabbie, Jada, and Kylie. 

Vic held up two bikinis in front of Caitlin: one red, one black. "I can't decide which one to bring," she said, looking between the two. Caitlin glanced over from her suitcase.

 " the black one, you look absolutely stunning in it." Vic blushed, her heart racing a bit. "You really think so?" Caitlin moved even closer, her hand brushing Vic's. 

"I know so. But honestly, Vic, you'd look incredible in either. Maybe you should bring both. That way, I get to see you looking amazing all weekend." 

Vic laughed, feeling a pleasant flutter in her stomach. 

"Both it is, then," she said, leaning in for a quick, affectionate kiss before they continued packing.

With their bags finally packed and loaded into the car, Vic and Caitlin set off on the road, windows down, and music blasting. The summer breeze swept through the car, carrying with it a sense of freedom and excitement.

 As they drove down the highway, Vic's phone buzzed. She glanced at the screen and saw Kate's name flashing. "Hey, Kate!" Vic answered, putting the call on speaker so Caitlin could hear.

 "Hey, Vic! Hey, Caitlin!" Kate's cheerful voice filled the car. "We were thinking, how about a barbecue tonight? We can grill some burgers and veggies by the lake." 

Caitlin glanced over at Vic, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That sounds perfect, Kate!" Caitlin replied. 

"Okay cool! I'll let everyone else know. See you soon!" Kate said before hanging up. Vic smiled as she put her phone down.

As the car pulled up to the lake house, Vic could barely contain her excitement. She spotted Olivia standing by the porch and practically leaped out of the car. 

"Olivia!" Vic shouted, running over and wrapping her in a big hug. " I missed you so much!" Olivia laughed, hugging her back just as tightly. "I missed you too, Vic! It's been way too long." 

Caitlin, who had just finished unloading the car, walked over with a smile. "Hey, Olivia! It's great to see you." Olivia grinned. 

"Hey, Caitlin! It's great to see you too."

Just then, Gabbie, Jada, and Kylie emerged from the house, waving excitedly. "Hey, you two!" Gabbie called out. 

"About time you got here!" Jada smiled. "We've got everything set up inside. This place is amazing!" Kylie bounced on her toes.

 Vic beamed at her friends. "I can't wait! This weekend is going to be the best." As they all gathered their things and headed inside, the house filled with laughter and the joyful chatter of friends reuniting.

Jada grabbed Caitlin and Vic's bags and gestured for them to follow her. "Come on, I'll show you to your room," she said with a grin.

 They walked through the spacious lake house, passing through the lively living room and down a long hallway. Finally, they reached a door at the far end of the house. 

Jada opened the door and motioned inside. "Here you go. This room is on the other side of the house, you know, for privacy reasons," she added with a playful wink. Vic's cheeks flushed a deep red.

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