All to outrun my desertion of you

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It was a few days  later and Victoria and Jada arrived at the barbecue that they had been invited to, Victoria's heart sank at the sight before her. There, standing next to Connor, was Caitlin, the very person who had said she wasn't gonna be there. Originally Victoria and Caitlin were supposed to go together but Caitlin, having found out it was a public event, backed out and told Victoria she wasn't going to go. 

A surge of anger welled up inside Victoria as she clenched her fists, her gaze fixed on Caitlin and Connor. "Are you fucking serious?" she muttered under her breath, her voice laced with frustration and betrayal. 

Jada, sensing Victoria's distress, nodded in agreement. "Dude, that's low," she whispered, her expression mirroring Victoria's indignation. Feeling a mix of hurt and anger, Victoria took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging inside her. 

She knew that confronting Caitlin in public would only escalate the situation, but the sense of betrayal cut deep nonetheless. With a heavy heart, Victoria followed Jada into the crowd, trying to push aside the hurt and focus on enjoying the event. But as she glanced back at Caitlin and Connor, the image of them together burned into her mind, leaving her questioning the sincerity of Caitlin's promises and the strength of their relationship.

As Caitlin spotted Victoria in the crowd, her heart sank at the hurt and anger etched on her  face. Determined to make things right, she followed Victoria, hoping to find a moment to speak to her and explain. 

However, before Caitlin could catch up to Victoria, she was intercepted by Connor, his expression stern and disapproving. "What are you doing?" he demanded, his tone sharp with accusation. 

Caitlin hesitated, torn between her desire to mend things with Victoria and the looming confrontation with Connor. She glanced back at Victoria, who was now walking away with Jada, her shoulders tense with frustration. "I... I need to talk to Victoria," Caitlin replied, her voice barely above a whisper, her heart heavy with guilt. 

Connor's eyes narrowed as he followed Caitlin's gaze. "You're still hung up on her, aren't you?" he spat, his words dripping with disdain. Caitlin flinched at the accusation, her mind racing with a million thoughts and emotions. 

"I need to talk to her, Connor. Please." But Connor's expression remained cold and unforgiving as he blocked Caitlin's path, his presence a constant reminder of the tangled web of emotions and obligations that threatened to tear them apart. And as Caitlin searched for the right words to bridge the divide between them, she couldn't help but wonder if their relationship was truly worth fighting for.

As Caitlin tried to navigate the tense exchange with Connor, his demands only added to her mounting frustration. "You have to pretend you like me," Connor insisted, his tone firm and unwavering. 

Caitlin's jaw tightened as she met Connor's gaze, her resolve hardening. "I will, Connor," she replied, her voice tinged with determination. "But I need to talk to Victoria first." Connor scoffed dismissively, his skepticism evident. 

"She's not gonna talk to you," he retorted, his words like a dagger to Caitlin's heart. Caitlin's heart sank at Connor's words, but she refused to let his doubts deter her. She knew that she needed to reach out to Victoria, to explain and apologize for the misunderstanding. 

Their relationship deserved that much, regardless of the obstacles in their path. With a sense of resolve, Caitlin made a silent vow to find a way to speak to Victoria, to bridge the gap that had formed between them. And as she watched Victoria disappear into the crowd, she knew exactly what she had to do. 

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