call it what you want

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The celebration continued as the team and Victoria headed to a cozy, casual bar downtown, a favorite spot for the players. Caitlin had pulled some strings and rented out the entire place for the night, ensuring it would be a private celebration just for them.

As they entered the bar, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and excitement. The lights were dimmed just enough to create a warm, inviting glow, and a playlist of upbeat songs filled the air. The team quickly dispersed, finding seats and gathering around tables, their spirits high from the victory.

Victoria walked in beside Caitlin, her eyes wide with surprise and delight. "You rented out the whole bar? That's amazing, Caitlin!"

Caitlin grinned, a little bashful. "I figured we deserved a special celebration. Plus, it's nice to just be able to relax and have fun without any distractions."

The team wasted no time in getting comfortable. Drinks were poured, and the sound of clinking glasses and lively chatter filled the room. Victoria found herself in the middle of it all, laughing and talking with everyone, her camera momentarily forgotten as she soaked in the joyous atmosphere.

The bar was buzzing with energy as the team settled in, the private setting allowing them to let loose and celebrate without reservations. Caitlin had done a great job renting out the entire place, and the atmosphere was perfect for the post-game celebration.

"Here's to the best team ever!" Gabbie called out, raising her glass. 

A chorus of cheers  echoed around the room as everyone raised their glasses in a toast. Caitlin laughed, her smile bright as she clinked glasses with Victoria, who was beaming with pride.

The team quickly dispersed into groups, chatting and laughing, their spirits high from the victory. Sydney and Taylor were at the jukebox, arguing playfully over which song to play next, while Jada and Kylie were engaged in discussion about the game's highlights.

Victoria found herself in the middle of it all, laughing and talking with everyone. She was recounting a particularly intense moment of the game to Gabbie, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "You were just everywhere on the court tonight, Gabbie," Victoria said, gesturing enthusiastically. "I got some amazing shots of your plays."

Gabbie grinned, taking a sip of her drink. "Well, it helps to have such a great photographer capturing the moments."

Kate and Sydney soon joined them, bringing more drinks and snacks to the table. "This night is perfect," Kate said, plopping down beside Victoria. "We definitely needed this."

"Absolutely," Victoria agreed, her eyes scanning the room. She saw Caitlin talking with a group of teammates, her laughter ringing out above the din. Victoria's heart swelled with pride and affection.

Caitlin caught Victoria's eye from across the room and gave her a wink, making Victoria's cheeks warm. 

Caitlin eventually made her way back to Victoria, a fresh drink in hand. "Having fun?" she asked, her eyes sparkling.

"More than I can say," Victoria replied, grinning. "This was a great idea, Caitlin. Thank you."

Caitlin shrugged modestly. "It's the least I could do after such an amazing win. Plus, I knew we all needed a night like this."

As the night wore on, the team grew more relaxed and playful. Taylor and Sydney finally agreed on a song and turned the volume up, starting the karaoke for the night.

As the night wore on and the celebration continued, Caitlin and Victoria found a quieter corner of the bar. They settled onto a cozy leather couch, the noise of their teammates' laughter and music forming a comforting backdrop. Victoria draped her legs over Caitlin's lap, her arms loosely wrapped around Caitlin's neck to keep her balance.

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