paper rings

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As the morning sun gently kissed the room with its warm glow, Caitlin stirred from her slumber, feeling the comforting weight of Victoria's arms around her. Sensing her waking, Victoria greeted her with a soft smile. 

"Good morning, birthday girl," Victoria whispered, her voice carrying a playful hint of affection. Caitlin's eyes fluttered open.

"good morning baby" she mumbled, yawning a bit. Caitlin leaned in closer, her lips brushing against Victoria's cheek. 

As the morning unfolded, Victoria gently slipped out of bed, her messy hair falling in tousled waves around her shoulders. She was wearing pair of shorts and one of Caitlin's oversized t-shirts. 

Caitlin watched her with adoration, her heart swelling with love at the sight of Victoria wearing her clothes. "You look beautiful," she murmured, her eyes shining with affection. With a soft smile, Victoria approached the bed, a small box in her hands. "Happy birthday, Cait," she said softly, her voice filled with warmth and love. 

Caitlin's eyes widened with excitement as she accepted the gift, she carefully unwrapped it. Inside, she found two delicate necklaces, each bearing a small pendant—one shaped like a 'V,' and the other like a 'C.' 

"They're matching necklaces," Victoria explained, her heart fluttering with anticipation. "I thought it would be a nice way for us to always carry a piece of each other with us, no matter where we are." Caitlin's breath caught in her throat as she gazed at the thoughtful gift, her eyes brimming with tears of happiness. 

"They're perfect," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. With a soft smile, Victoria leaned in closer, pressing a tender kiss to Caitlin's lips. As their lips met, Caitlin's hands found their way to Victoria's waist, pulling her closer until she was straddling Caitlin's lap. 

Before  Caitlin's birthday dinner, Caitlin and Victoria were in Victoria's dorm, getting ready for the evening. The bathroom was softly lit, the mirror reflecting Victoria's concentrated expression as she carefully applied her makeup. 

Victoria stood at the sink, her hair pinned back to keep it out of her face as she focused on perfecting her eyeliner. Caitlin entered the bathroom quietly, watching Victoria with a loving smile. Unable to resist the sight of her girlfriend looking so beautiful and focused, Caitlin stepped up behind her, wrapping her arms around Victoria's waist. Victoria glanced up into the mirror, meeting Caitlin's eyes with a soft smile. 

"Hey there," she said, her voice warm and affectionate. "Hey yourself," Caitlin murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to Victoria's shoulder. "You look stunning." Victoria chuckled, leaning back slightly into Caitlin's embrace. "I'm not even done yet." 

Caitlin's hands traced small, comforting circles on Victoria's stomach as she nuzzled closer. "You're always beautiful to me, finished makeup or not," she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity.

 Victoria blushed, a warm smile spreading across her face. "You're too sweet," she replied, her eyes sparkling with affection. Caitlin tightened her embrace, resting her chin on Victoria's shoulder as she watched her in the mirror.

 "Just telling the truth," she whispered. "I'm so lucky to have you." Victoria turned her head slightly, brushing her lips against Caitlin's cheek. "I'm the lucky one," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Now, are you going to let me finish, or are you planning to keep distracting me?" Caitlin laughed softly, her breath warm against Victoria's skin. 

"Maybe a little of both," she teased, her hands moving to rest on Victoria's hips. "I just wanted a moment with my favorite person before we head out." Victoria smiled, giving Caitlin's hands a gentle squeeze. 

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