can I ask you a question

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In the weeks that followed, Caitlin and Victoria found themselves in a peculiar situation. They acted like girlfriends, their connection evident to everyone around them. They held hands, exchanged tender glances, and spent most of their time together. Their friends couldn't help but notice the shift, treating them as a couple. 

Yet Caitlin still hadn't broken up with Connor, and their relationship remained unofficial, a gray area that neither of them fully acknowledged. Despite this, their moments together were filled with love and affection. 

Caitlin would often surprise Victoria with small gestures—bringing her coffee during study sessions, leaving sweet notes in her dorm, and stealing kisses whenever they were alone. Victoria, in turn, found herself falling deeper for Caitlin, her heart aching with both joy and uncertainty. They attended events and parties together.

One evening, as they lay entwined on Caitlin's bed. As Victoria slipped into the shirt that Caitlin had handed to her, a sense of unease gnawed at her insides. She knew that she couldn't ignore the elephant in the room any longer, even if it meant risking the fragile peace they had managed to find. 

With a deep breath, Victoria turned to Caitlin, her heart pounding in her chest. "Hey, Cait," she began, her voice tentative. "When are you gonna end things with Connor?" 

Caitlin's expression faltered for a moment, her eyes filled with regret and guilt as she held Victoria closer.  She sighed, running a hand through her hair as she avoided Victoria's gaze. "I know, Vic," she admitted quietly. "I've been putting it off, but I promise I'll do it soon. I just need to find the right time." 

Victoria nodded, her heart heavy with the weight of their unresolved situation. She knew that Caitlin's intentions were sincere, but the longer they waited, the harder it became to ignore the growing tension between them. 

"I understand, Cait," Victoria said softly, reaching out to grasp Caitlin's hand in her own. "But we can't keep pretending that everything's okay when it's not. I want to be with you, but I can't do it like this." 

Caitlin's eyes softened at Victoria's words, her resolve faltering as she took in the vulnerability in Victorias voice . "I know, Vic," she whispered, squeezing Victoria's hand gently. 

"I'll talk to him tomorrow, I promise." In that moment, as they lay entwined in each other's arms, a sense of relief washed over Victoria. 

 As the weeks went by, their "situationship" continued. And while their bond grew stronger with each passing day, the unresolved issue of Connor remained a silent barrier between them, one that they would eventually have to face head-on.

totallynotvic posted

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liked by caitlinclark22, jadaspam, gabbie.marshall and 80 more

totallynotvic school is killing me send help

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totallynotvic you're actually blocked wdym??

caitlinclark22 can a woman be happy for once my god

totallynotvic I actually hate women (specifically six feet tall brunette basketball women) so no

caitlinclark22 girl boooo

 jadaspam YESS VIC

totallynotvic Jada I love you so so much

gabbie.marshall we ate so hard

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