laughing in the middle of practice

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As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the blinds, Victoria stirred from her slumber, blinking sleepily as she adjusted to the gentle morning light. With a soft yawn, she stretched out her limbs, feeling the warmth of Caitlin's arms wrapping around her.

"Cait wake up," Victoria whispered, nudging her gently. "It's time to get up."

But Caitlin, still lost in the depths of sleep, merely grumbled and pulled Victoria closer, her arms tightening around her in a sleepy embrace.

 "No, five more minutes," she mumbled, burying her face in Victoria's hair.

Victoria couldn't help but chuckle at Caitlin's stubbornness, her heart swelling with affection 

"Come on Cait" she teased, planting a soft kiss on Caitlin's forehead. "We need to get up."

But Caitlin only groaned in response, her grip on Victoria tightening as she snuggled closer. 

"I'm not moving," she declared, her voice muffled against Victoria's shoulder. "I'm too comfortable" 

Victoria couldn't help but laugh at Caitlin, her fingers tracing lazy circles on her back as she tried once again to get her up "Okay, okay," she gave in, relenting to Caitlin's stubbornness. "But you know practice starts soon, right?"

Caitlin's eyes shot open at the mention of practice, her demeanor shifting from sleepy contentment to sudden alertness in an instant. 

"What? What time is it?" she exclaimed, sitting up abruptly and scrambling for her phone.

"It's almost time for practice," Victoria replied with a grin, watching as Caitlin's eyes widened in panic. "You better hurry up if you don't want to be late."

Caitlin leaped out of bed, her movements swift and purposeful as she hurriedly gathered her belongings and dashed towards the door. "Thanks for waking me up, Vic!" she called over her shoulder, flashing Victoria a grateful smile before disappearing out the dorm and  into the hallway.

Later, at practice, Caitlin arrived slightly out of breath, her cheeks flushed with exertion as she hurried to join her teammates on the court. Coach Bluder raised an eyebrow at her tardiness, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. As Caitlin joined her teammates on the court, she was met with a chorus of playful teasing from Kate, Jada, and Gabbie.

"she decided to finally join us" Kate teased, her eyebrows raised suggestively as she nudged Jada and Gabbie. "Late night, Caitlin?"

Jada chimed in with a playful smirk, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, Caitlin, what were you up to last night? Or I don't know, who were you up to?" she teased, earning a chorus of giggles from the rest of the team.

Caitlin felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment at their teasing, but she couldn't help but laugh along with them. "Oh shut up nothing happened," she admitted with a sheepish grin.

Gabbie raised an eyebrow in mock surprise, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh no because you and Vic are just friends"

Jada laughed at this "hilarious how everybody but you two knows that you're more then friends" she added, looking at Caitlin with a smirk.

But as the teasing continued, Coach Bluder couldn't help but interject, her voice cutting through the laughter with a hint of amusement. 

" let's give Caitlin a break, I don't need to know what you and my granddaughter do, Caitlin," she added, her tone playful yet tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

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