written mine on my upper thigh

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Victoria sat in the stands at one of Iowa's basketball games, flanked by Blake and Colin. The crowd was buzzing with excitement, and the atmosphere was electric.

 Caitlin was on the court, skillfully maneuvering the ball, and all eyes were on her. Blake leaned over, nudging Victoria with his elbow. 

"Think Caitlin's going to hit another three-pointer today?" he asked, a mischievous glint in his eye. Victoria grinned, eyes fixed on Caitlin.

 "I wouldn't bet against her," she replied, pride evident in her voice. Colin, on the other side of Blake, chuckled. "Yeah, she's been on fire. Must be because she's trying to impress someone special in the stands," he said, giving Victoria a playful nudge.

 Blake smirked. "Right? I mean, she's got her biggest fan here. No pressure, Vic." Victoria laughed, shaking her head. "You guys are ridiculous. She's incredible on her own." 

As the game progressed, Caitlin nailed a spectacular three-pointer, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Victoria, Blake, and Colin jumped to their feet, clapping and shouting encouragement. 

"See? What did I tell you?" Blake shouted over the noise, giving Victoria a knowing look. Colin clapped Victoria on the back. "She's definitely showing off for you. Admit it, Vic, you're her good luck charm," he teased.

 Victoria laughed, feeling a warm flush of pride. "Alright, maybe just a little bit," she conceded with a smile. As Caitlin sprinted back down the court, she paused for a moment after making the three-pointer, glancing towards the stands. 

Catching Victoria's eye, she pointed towards her with a grin before continuing on, leaving Victoria beaming with pride. Blake and Colin exchanged amused glances, teasing Victoria. 

"Can't believe she's been doing that since freshman year" Blake quipped. Colin chuckled. "Yeah she's so down bad" he added, winking at Victoria. Victoria blushed, playfully rolling her eyes at their teasing. "Oh, come on, you guys," she replied, but her smile said it all. She couldn't help but feel a swell of happiness at Caitlin's gesture.

As Victoria, Blake, and Colin cheered on Caitlin from the stands, their attention suddenly shifted when they noticed the camera angle changing towards them. Victoria furrowed her brow, glancing at Blake and Colin. "Guys, is the camera pointing at us or am I going insane?" she asked, a hint of confusion in her voice. 

Blake exchanged a puzzled look with Colin before turning back to Victoria. "No, you're right. It's definitely pointing at us," he confirmed, his expression mirroring Victoria's confusion. 

Colin shrugged, leaning back in his seat. "Maybe they want to capture the reaction of Caitlin's biggest supporters," he suggested with a grin. Victoria chuckled, shaking her head in disbelief.

 "Well, I hope we're putting on a good show," she replied, feeling a mixture of amusement and curiosity at the unexpected attention.

After the game, Victoria stood outside the arena with Colin and Blake, waiting for Caitlin to emerge. When Caitlin finally appeared, her face flushed with excitement from the game, she wasted no time in rushing towards Victoria. "Vic!" Caitlin exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with joy as she enveloped Victoria in a tight hug. 

With a burst of energy, she lifted Victoria off the ground and spun her around before planting a sweet kiss on her lips. Victoria laughed, her heart soaring with happiness. "Hey, superstar," she said, wrapping her arms around Caitlin's neck.

 "You were amazing out there." Caitlin beamed, her cheeks flushed with pride. "Thanks, babe," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "Couldn't have done it without you cheering me on." 

As they shared a tender moment, Blake and Colin exchanged amused glances, their lips curled into knowing smirks. "

Colin chuckled, shaking his head in mock disbelief. "I guess it's true what they say—behind every great athlete is an even greater cheerleader," he quipped, earning a playful shove from Caitlin. Victoria rolled her eyes, but her smile remained unshakeable. "Oh, ha ha," she replied, her voice laced with playful sarcasm. "You guys are hilarious." 

Just then, the rest of the team approached, their faces lit up with excitement. Caitlin's teammates surrounded her, offering congratulations and high-fives, while Victoria stood by her side, feeling grateful to be a part of the celebration. 

After a moment of celebration, Caitlin turned to Victoria with a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Hey, how about we grab dinner with the Colin Blake Jada and Kate??" she suggested, nodding towards Colin, Blake, Jada, and Kate, who were waiting nearby. Victoria's eyes lit up with excitement. "Sure" she replied, her smile widening. "I'm in." With Caitlin's hand in hers, Victoria followed the group as they made their way towards a nearby restaurant.

 As they walked, laughter and chatter filled the air, and Victoria couldn't help but feel grateful for the bond she shared with Caitlin and her friends. 

Amidst the lively dinner conversation, Victoria found herself doubled over with laughter at one of Kate's jokes. As she laughed, she caught Caitlin's gaze across the table. The look in Caitlin's eyes made her heart skip a beat—it was a gaze filled with such love and adoration that Victoria felt as if she was going to melt right there.

 Jada, sitting beside Caitlin, noticed the tender exchange between the two. With a knowing smile, she nudged Caitlin gently. "You've got it bad, huh?" she teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement. 

Caitlin's cheeks flushed pink, but she couldn't hide the fondness in her expression. "Yeah, I guess I do," she admitted softly, her gaze never leaving Victoria. 

Jada grinned, feeling a surge of warmth at the sight of her friend so deeply in love. "Well, you two make a pretty adorable couple," she remarked, her tone filled with affection. "You two are my best friends, it's nice to see you happy."

 Caitlin smiled, her heart swelling with gratitude  as she reached out to intertwine her fingers with Victoria's under the table.

After Dinner they made their way back to Caitlins dorm. As Caitlin and Victoria settled in to watch a movie together, the cozy warmth of the room enveloped them. They snuggled close, the soft glow of the screen casting gentle shadows across their faces.

 As the movie began to play, Victoria felt Caitlin's hand resting on her thigh, the touch sending a jolt of warmth coursing through her body. Caitlin's fingers traced a path along her thigh, inching higher with each gentle caress, and Victoria couldn't help but shiver at the sensation. 

With a soft smile, Victoria leaned into Caitlin's touch, her heart fluttering with anticipation.  As the movie played on, forgotten in the background, Caitlin's touch became bolder, her fingers exploring every curve and contour of Victoria's thigh. Victoria melted into Caitlin's embrace, her body humming with pleasure.

As Caitlin's fingers continued  along Victoria's thigh, Victoria felt her breath hitch with anticipation. Caitlin leaned in to press gentle kisses along Victoria's neck. Each tender kiss sent waves of pleasure rippling through Victoria's body. With a soft moan, Victoria pulled Caitlin closer, her hands sliding up Caitlin's back to pull her closer. 
As they both pulled away for air,  panting slightly Victoria looked up at Caitlin with a playful glint in her eyes. "Thought you were tired," Victoria teased, a laugh escaping her lips as she caught her breath.

Caitlin grinned  "Who said anything about being tired?" 

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