You're in love

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Victoria sat on her bed, nervously fidgeting with her phone. She took a deep breath and dialed Kate's number. After a few rings, Kate picked up. 

"Hey, Vic! What's up?" Kate's cheerful voice came through the speaker. 

"Hey, Kate! I need your help with something," Victoria said, her voice tinged with excitement.

 "Of course! What do you need?" Kate asked, sounding intrigued.

 "I want to surprise Caitlin at the hotel tonight," Victoria explained.

 "I thought it would be nice to show up and, you know, be there for her before the big game. But I need to make sure she doesn't know I'm coming." 

Kate laughed. "She's going to love that. So, what's the plan?"

 "Well, I was thinking I could drive down there, and when I'm about ten minutes away from the hotel, I'll call you. Could you get Caitlin out of her room so I can sneak in and set things up?" 

"Absolutely!" Kate said, enthusiasm in her voice.

 "That sounds perfect. I'll come up with some excuse to get her out. Maybe we can go grab a coffee or something." 

Victoria smiled, feeling a wave of relief. "Thank you so much, Kate. I really appreciate it." 

"No problem at all! Just let me know when you're close, and I'll handle everything on my end. Caitlin's going to be so surprised." 

"Thanks, Kate. I'll see you soon," Victoria said, ending the call. She sat back, a satisfied smile on her face. The plan was in motion, and she couldn't wait to see Caitlin's reaction.

Victoria drove for about an hour, anticipation building with every mile. When she was ten minutes away from the hotel, she pulled over and texted Kate: "Almost there. Time to get her out of the room!" 

Meanwhile, in the hotel room, Kate and Caitlin were lounging on their beds, talking about the upcoming game. Kate glanced at her phone and saw Victoria's message. She put her phone down casually and turned to Caitlin. 

"Hey, Cait, how about we go grab a coffee? There's a cute little café just down the street." 

Caitlin sighed, looking a bit tired. "I don't know, Kate. I was thinking of just resting before the game." 

"Oh, come on," Kate said, trying to sound nonchalant but feeling a little urgency.

"It'll be a quick break, and the fresh air will do us good. Plus, I heard they have the best pastries."

 Caitlin still seemed reluctant. "I guess... but maybe later?" 

Kate, seeing that she needed to be more persuasive, got up and started tugging Caitlin's arm. "Nope, you're coming with me now. You can't turn down good coffee and pastries. Plus, I need to get out of this room, and I need company." 

Caitlin laughed, finally giving in. "Okay, okay, I'm coming. Jeez, you're persistent." Kate grinned, relief washing over her. 

"That's the spirit! Let's go." She continued to gently drag Caitlin out of the room, all the while thinking about how excited Victoria must be for the surprise. 

Once they were out of the hotel and walking toward the café, she discreetly texted Victoria: "She's out. You're clear!"

Victoria made her way up to the hotel room, her heart pounding with excitement. She unlocked the door and slipped inside, quickly texting Kate: "I'm in." 

Meanwhile, Kate and Caitlin were halfway to the café when Kate suddenly slapped her forehead. "Oh, fuck! I forgot my wallet in the room. Can we go back and get it?" 

Caitlin rolled her eyes playfully. "Really, Kate? You drag me out here for coffee and forget your wallet? Fine, let's go back." 

They turned around and headed back to the hotel. Kate's heart raced with anticipation, hoping the timing would be perfect. As they reached the room, Kate unlocked the door and let Caitlin walk in first. 

Caitlin stepped inside and froze, her eyes widening in surprise. "Victoria?" Victoria was standing there, a shy smile on her face.

 "Hey, Cait." Caitlin's surprise turned into a huge grin. "What are you doing here?" Victoria shrugged, stepping forward.

 "I wanted to surprise you. Thought you could use some good luck before the game." 

Caitlin quickly closed the distance between them, wrapping Victoria in a tight hug. "You're the best surprise ever." 

Victoria held up her hand for a high five. "We did so well, twin." Kate grinned and slapped her hand.

 "Nailed it."

 Caitlin looked between the two, raising an eyebrow. "Wait, Kate knew?" 

Kate shrugged with a proud smile.

 "Of course I knew. I helped her plan it. We are geniuses." 

Caitlin laughed, shaking her head. "You two are something else." She turned back to Victoria, pulling her into another hug.

Kate, watching the reunion with a smile, said, "Alright, my job here is done. I'll leave you two alone." She winked and slipped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Caitlin pulled back slightly to look at Victoria. 

"You drove all the way here?" Victoria nodded. "Of course. I couldn't let you be away without seeing you." Caitlin kissed her softly, pulling back to mumble a sweet "I love you". Caitlin pulled Victoria into a deep kiss, the surprise and joy evident in their embrace.  

"Thank you, Vic. This is the best surprise ever." Victoria hugged her back, whispering, "Anything for you, Cait."

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