loss of my life

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A Week Before Returning Home England had been a whirlwind of excitement and discovery for Victoria. The English literature course was everything she had hoped for and more. She immersed herself in her studies, exploring the rich literary history of the country, attending lectures by renowned professors, and making new friends who shared her passion. 

 Every day, she made sure to keep in touch with Caitlin. They had their routine: video calls, long messages, and shared pictures. Caitlin's updates about her basketball season and life back home kept Victoria connected to her other half, despite the miles that separated them. 

The promise ring on her finger was a constant reminder of their bond and commitment. Over the summer, Caitlin's fame had skyrocketed. Her basketball performance had garnered more media attention, and her social media following exploded. Endorsements and sponsorship deals came flooding in, and she was often in the spotlight. While she was thrilled with her success, the constant scrutiny and pressure were taking a toll on her. The media was relentless, always prying into her personal life, and the strain was starting to show. 

One evening, as Victoria was preparing for bed, her phone rang. Seeing Caitlin's name on the screen, she smiled, ready for their usual chat. However, when she answered, she was met with the sound of Caitlin's sobs.

 "Cait? What's wrong?" Victoria asked, her heart immediately sinking. Caitlin's voice was shaky, barely holding it together.

 "Vic, I... I can't do this anymore." Victoria's stomach dropped. 

"What do you mean? Caitlin, talk to me."

 "I want to break up," Caitlin said, her words rushed and desperate. Victoria's mind raced, trying to comprehend what she was hearing. 

"What? Caitlin, why? What's going on?" 

"It's just... everything. The distance, the pressure, everything. It's too much. I can't handle it anymore,"

 Caitlin cried, her voice breaking. Victoria's confusion turned into a whirlwind of emotions—shock, hurt, disbelief. 

"But Caitlin, we've been doing fine. We talk every day. I'm coming back next week!" Her voice was breaking, filled with desperation.

 "It's not fine, Vic. It's been so hard. The media, the expectations, the loneliness... I can't keep pretending everything's okay," Caitlin explained, her voice filled with anguish. 

Victoria felt tears welling up in her eyes. "But we promised we'd get through this together. You said we could do it. I'm coming back next week. We just have to hold on a little longer." 

"I thought we could, but I can't. I'm breaking down, Vic. I need to let you go," Caitlin said, her voice barely a whisper now. 

Victoria's heart ached, her mind racing to find a way to fix this. "Caitlin, please, don't do this. We can find a way. We've come so far. I'm coming back next week."

 "I'm so sorry, Vic. I love you, but I can't keep hurting like this. I need to let you go," Caitlin repeated, the finality in her words hitting Victoria like a punch to the gut. Victoria was silent for a moment, trying to process everything. She felt like the ground was slipping away from under her feet

. "I don't understand," she whispered, her voice breaking with every word. Caitlin took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I know. I'm sorry. Goodbye, Vic."

 And with that, the line went dead. Victoria stared at her phone, her heart shattered into a million pieces. She sat down on her bed, tears streaming down her face as the weight of Caitlin's words settled in. The promise ring on her finger felt heavier than ever. She had never felt more alone.

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