im leaving here with you

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One evening, Vic and Caitlin attended a lively party filled with friends and familiar faces. The atmosphere was electric, with music pulsating through the air and laughter echoing around the room. Despite the chaos, they managed to find a secluded corner where they could share a more intimate moment away from the crowd.

Victoria, feeling comfortable and at ease, settled on Caitlin's lap. Caitlin wrapped her arms around Vic, drawing her close. They began to kiss, savoring the sweetness of their private moment amid the party. They had been dating for five months and everything was perfect.

Caitlin gently kissed Vic's neck, her lips tracing a path up to her jawline. "You're so beautiful, you know that?" Caitlin murmured between kisses, her voice soft and filled with affection. Vic smiled, a blush creeping onto her cheeks. "you're so cute"" Caitlin continued to plant soft kisses along Vic's jawline. "shut up I'm not cute" Vic laughed, closing her eyes, leaning into Caitlin's touch. 

"yeah you are" she whispered, her heart swelling with emotion. Amidst the lively party, their friend Jada was live streaming with her friend Kate, capturing the excitement and energy of the night for her followers. They moved through the crowd, laughing and chatting, Jada's phone held high as she documented the fun. 

"Hey everyone, we're at a party" Jada exclaimed into her phone, grinning widely. Kate stood beside her, joining in the excitement. As Jada spun around to show the room, she inadvertently turned the camera towards Caitlin and Vic, lost in each other and making out. Kate's eyes widened in shock as she saw the screen.

 "Jada, turn the camera!" she hissed urgently. Jada glanced at her phone, realizing what had happened. "Fuck!" she shouted, quickly ending the live stream, her face flushing with embarrassment. 

Caitlin and Vic, too engrossed in each other, didn't notice the brief commotion. Jada and Kate exchanged nervous glances before making their way over to their friends. "Hey, Caitlin, Vic, we need to talk," Kate said, tapping Caitlin gently on the shoulder. Vic looked up, slightly dazed, while Caitlin turned to face them, curiosity and concern etched on her face.

 "What's up?" Caitlin asked. Jada took a deep breath, looking apologetic. "I accidentally turned the camera on you guys during my live stream. I'm so sorry, but I think a lot of people saw you two... kissing." Caitlin's eyes widened, and she looked at Vic, who squeezed her hand reassuringly. "So, our secret's out?" Vic asked, a mix of amusement and resignation in her voice.

 Kate nodded. "Yeah, it happened really fast. But the stream is over now." Caitlin sighed, managing a small smile despite the situation. "Well, I guess we can't hide forever. Maybe it's time we stop hiding anyway." Jada, still flustered, nodded. "You two are amazing together. The fans will love you." With the secret out, Caitlin and Vic decided to embrace the moment, ready to share their happiness with the world.

A few days after the party, Caitlin was at a press conference alongside Coach Bluder. The room was packed with reporters and flashing cameras, all eager for the latest updates. 

The interview began with the usual questions about the season, Caitlin's performance, and the team's prospects. Then, one reporter stood up and directed a question at Caitlin. "Caitlin, can you tell us about your relationship with Vic and how having her support has impacted your game?" Caitlin smiled, glancing briefly at Coach Bluder before addressing the question. 

"Vic has been amazing. Her support means everything to me. She's not only my girlfriend but she's also my best friend so having her here for me is just incredible" There was a brief pause, and Caitlin smiled even wider "Plus it sometimes annoys Coach and anything that annoys here is s much determination for me" 

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