I think she knows

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It had been a while since Victoria and Caitlin had seen each other, and the days apart felt longer than they actually were. The busyness of their schedules  had kept them apart, and Victoria found herself missing Caitlin more than she cared to admit. 

One afternoon, Victoria found herself at the gym, helping her grandma, Coach Bluder, prepare for the basketball team's practice. The familiar sounds of basketballs bouncing and sneakers squeaking on the polished court filled the air.

 "Thanks for helping out, Vic," Coach Bluder said, her voice warm with appreciation as she handed Victoria a stack of freshly laundered jerseys. 

"I might just be granddaughter of the year" Victoria replied jokingly, a soft smile on her lips as she laughed a little, her hands deftly organizing the jerseys by size and number. 

Victoria was in the middle of arranging the water bottles when she heard the door open and close softly. She looked up to see Caitlin entering the gym, her expression brightening as soon as she spotted Victoria. 

Caitlin's eyes lit up with a familiar warmth, and without a moment's hesitation, she made her way across the gym. Victoria's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, and she couldn't help but smile as Caitlin approached.

 "Hey pretty girl" Caitlin said, her voice soft and filled with affection. "Hey, Cait," Victoria replied, her own voice betraying the happiness she felt seeing the brunette again. Without thinking, they moved towards each other. As they embraced, the hug felt different than usual. It was longer and sweeter. Victoria felt Caitlin's arms tighten around her.

 "It's so good to see you," Caitlin murmured into Victoria's hair, her breath warm against her ear. "I've missed you," Victoria confessed, her voice barely above a whisper as she held Caitlin close. They stood there for a few moments, neither wanting to let go. 

 When they finally pulled away, their eyes met, a soft smile both on their lips. 

"You're here early," Victoria said, trying to keep her tone light even as her heart raced. "Couldn't wait to get started," Caitlin replied with a playful smile, "that big of a fan of running drills" Victoria responded, knowing exactly why Caitlin had arrived earlier than usual.

 Before Caitlin could respond, Coach Bluder's voice cut through the moment, reminding them of the practice ahead. "Alright, ladies, let's get everything ready before the rest of the team arrives!" Victoria and Caitlin exchanged a final, lingering glance before turning their attention back to the task at hand. Coach Bluder, ever observant, noticed the way Caitlin and Victoria couldn't seem to take their eyes off each other.

Just as Victoria and Caitlin were finishing up their preparations, the gym door swung open, and in walked Kate. She was her usual calm herself, and her eyes immediately lit up when she saw Victoria and Caitlin. "Oh my god my twin is here" Kate called out seeing Victoria standing next to Caitlin,  making her way over to them. Kate and Victoria had earned the nickname "the twins" due to their extremely similar taste in music, which often made them inseparable at parties and social gatherings.

"Hey twin" Victoria responded with a big smile. 

"Hey Kate" Caitlin chimed in, a smile spreading across her face as Kate joined their little circle. 

Kate gave Victoria a quick hug before turning to Caitlin. "So, what are you two up to?" 

"Just helping my grandma get things ready for practice," Vic explained,, gesturing to the neatly arranged equipment around them. 

"Yeah, right," Kate said, teasing the two girls. 

Victoria and Caitlin both rolled their eyes playfully, continuing the conversation. As time passed Kate and Caitlin started to talk about the next games and their game strategy, as Victoria listened to them, she grabbed phone started scrolling on instagram, landing on something that made her gasp in shock. 

"shut the fuck up" she gasped, the two girls turning to her, looking at her with a confused glance. 

"Stevie nicks is going on tour again" She exclaimed, a grin on her lips watching Kate get just as excited as her. 

"You're kidding we need to go" said Kate, her eyes on Victoria's phone as Victoria showed her the post. 

"Oh my god yes, Caitlin you have to come too Stevie nicks live is life changing."

"Do you think she'll do dreams?" questioned Kate, still in shock at the news. 

"I hope so, I need her to play silver springs if I don't hear that song live I might just drop dead" 

Caitlin looked between the two, her smile growing. "I swear, you two are like musical soulmates. It's a wonder you haven't started a band yet." Kate laughed, nudging Victoria playfully. "We've talked about it, haven't we, Vic? But then we realized our talents lie more in listening and critiquing than actually playing." 

"You say whatever you want I'm a fantastic singer" Victoria sarcastically said, to which Caitlin laughed. "yeah sure vic" 

As practice was about to start, Caitlin suddenly remembered she had forgotten something in the locker room. "Oh, I left my water bottle in the locker room," she said, looking at Victoria. "Come with me?" 

"Sure," Victoria replied without hesitation, following Caitlin as they made their way out of the gym. In the gym, Coach Bluder and Kate stood near the sidelines, watching the rest of the team begin their warm-ups. 

As they observed the interaction between Victoria and Caitlin, it was impossible not to notice how Caitlin's hand seemed to always find its way to Victoria's back or shoulder, her touch lingering a bit longer than necessary. Caitlin kept making Victoria laugh with her playful jokes.

 Coach Bluder sighed, a fond smile on her face. "Does Caitlin see how down bad she looks?" she joked, her tone light.

 Kate laughed, shaking her head. "They're so annoyingly in love. They need to get together already. It's like watching a slow-burn romance movie." 

Coach Bluder chuckled, turning to Kate with a mock-serious expression. "Don't make me threaten you with extra drills, Kate." 

Kate raised her hands in mock surrender, grinning widely. "Alright, alright, I'll keep my commentary to myself."

 Meanwhile, in the locker room, Caitlin and Victoria were enjoying their brief escape from  the gym. As Caitlin rummaged through her locker, Victoria leaned against the wall, watching her with a fond smile. 

"You always forget something, don't you?" Victoria teased, her eyes twinkling with amusement. Caitlin looked up, a playful smirk on her face. 

"What can I say? I like having you around" Victoria laughed, the sound echoing softly in the empty locker room. 

"I'd be around even if you didn't loose anything" Caitlin found her water bottle and closed her locker, turning to face Victoria. "yeah?" she said, stepping closer to Victoria who was still leaning against the wall 

"You're just that obsessed with me?" Victoria's heart fluttered at Caitlin's words, her smile widening.

 "shut up." 

Back in the gym, practice was in full swing, and Coach Bluder and Kate continued to keep an eye on the two girls as they returned from the locker room, still laughing and talking animatedly. 

Caitlin's hand rested lightly on Victoria's back, guiding her as they walked. Kate nudged Coach Bluder playfully. "See what I mean? They're basically inseparable."

 Coach Bluder nodded, a knowing smile on her face. "Yeah, I see it. They're good for each other." Kate grinned.

 "So, no extra drills for me?" Coach Bluder laughed, shaking her head. "No extra drills. But watch your tongue"

"Will do, Coach," Kate replied, a smirk on her lips as she watched Caitlin say goodbye to Victoria.. 


little filler chapter, not proof read at allll

I love vic and Cait they're so cute

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