pull me to the backseat

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It had been a few weeks after the birthday dinner and Caitlin and Victoria found themselves in Caitlins room. The morning sun filtered softly through the curtains of Caitlin's dorm room, casting a gentle glow over the space. Caitlin stirred first, her eyes slowly opening to find Victoria nestled against her, their limbs entwined in a comfortable tangle.

 The warmth of Victoria's body against hers and the peaceful rise and fall of her breathing brought a contented smile to Caitlin's face. Caitlin gently tightened her embrace, her hand tracing soothing patterns on Victoria's back.

 "Morning, love," she whispered softly, not wanting to disturb the  moment. Victoria murmured something incoherent, her eyes fluttering open. She blinked a few times before a sleepy smile spread across her face. 

"Morning," she replied, her voice still thick with sleep. She shifted slightly, pressing closer to Caitlin, enjoying the warmth and comfort of their cuddle. 

"We have to get up soon," Caitlin reminded her gently, though she made no move to pull away. "We need to head to my house for the barbecue." Victoria sighed contentedly, her fingers lazily tracing along Caitlin's arm. 

"Can't we just stay here forever?" she teased, nuzzling into Caitlin's neck. Caitlin laughed softly, the sound vibrating through Victoria. "As tempting as that is, our families would probably come looking for us," she said, pressing a kiss to Victoria's forehead.

 "Yeah, you're right," Victoria agreed reluctantly. She lifted her head to meet Caitlin's gaze, her eyes soft and filled with affection. "But I wouldn't mind a few more minutes like this." Caitlin's heart swelled with love as she looked at Victoria.

 "Neither would I," she whispered, leaning in to capture Victoria's lips in a tender kiss. They lingered in the embrace, savoring the sweet simplicity of the moment.

 Eventually, Caitlin pulled back, her hand coming up to gently brush a strand of hair from Victoria's face. "We should probably get moving," she said, her tone light but loving. Victoria sighed, a smile tugging at her lips. "I guess so," she replied. "But I'm keeping you close all day." 

Caitlin laughed softly. "Deal," she said, giving Victoria one last kiss before they reluctantly began to get out of bed. They slowly disentangled themselves, sharing soft touches and sweet kisses as they prepared to get out of bed. 

Finally, with everything ready, they headed out, hand in hand. They first decided to stop at a café that had just opened .Inside the café, the atmosphere was cozy and inviting. They stepped up to the counter, and Caitlin's arm slid around Victoria's shoulders, pulling her close as they looked over the menu. 

"What are you in the mood for?" Caitlin asked, her voice soft and affectionate. Victoria leaned into Caitlin, a content smile on her face. "A vanilla latte sounds perfect," she replied, her hand finding Caitlin's and giving it a gentle squeeze. 

Caitlin placed their order, and as they waited, she kept her arm draped over Victoria's shoulders, occasionally brushing her lips against Victoria's temple in a tender gesture. When their drinks were ready, Caitlin handed Victoria her latte, their fingers lingering in the exchange. 

Back in the car, Caitlin took a sip of her coffee before starting the engine. As they pulled out of the parking lot, her right hand found its way back to Victoria's thigh, a reassuring presence as she navigated the roads. Victoria placed her hand over Caitlin's, their fingers intertwining. 

They drove in a comfortable silence for a while, the only sounds being the soft music playing from the radio and the occasional hum of the engine. Caitlin's thumb absentmindedly stroked Victoria's thigh, a small but intimate gesture.

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