best thing that's ever been mine

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The morning light filtered softly through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. Victoria stirred awake, her hair a tousled mess from the night before, and she was still wrapped in Caitlin's borrowed sweatpants and shirt. The warmth of the bed and the lingering scent of Caitlin's perfume made her smile as she stretched slightly.

As Victoria sat up, rubbing sleep from her eyes, she heard the bathroom door open. Caitlin stepped out, her hair still damp from the shower, she was wearing a sports bra and sweatpants. Her toned muscles  caught Victoria's gaze, and she couldn't help but admire how stunning Caitlin looked.

Caitlin's eyes lit up when she saw Victoria awake. "Good morning pretty girl" she said with a grin, her voice soft and affectionate. She crossed the room  and leaned down, her lips brushing gently against Victoria's in a tender morning kiss.

"Good morning," Victoria mumbled against Caitlin's lips, her own smile growing as she wrapped her arms around Caitlin's neck to pull her closer.

Caitlin laughed softly, the sound filling the room with warmth. "You look so cute in my clothes," she teased, her fingers playing with a strand of Victoria's messy hair.

Victoria rolled her eyes playfully, still holding Caitlin close. "shut up" she said, but her tone was filled with affection. "But thank you."

As they stayed there, wrapped in each other's embrace, the morning felt perfect. Victoria, still smiling from the tender morning kiss, tugged playfully at Caitlin's hand. "Come here," she said softly, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Caitlin raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in her eyes. "just can't get enough of me huh?" she teased, but there was no mistaking the warmth in her voice.

Without waiting for an answer, Victoria pulled Caitlin down onto the bed, shifting to make room for her. Caitlin, caught off guard, laughed.

Victoria wrapped her arms around Caitlin, drawing her closer until they were nestled together, Caitlin's weight comfortably pressing against her. The warmth of Caitlin's body, the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest, and the sound of her laughter was extremely comforting for her.

"we have to go down soon" Caitlin murmured, her voice filled with affection as she rested her head on Victoria's shoulder.

Victoria grinned, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on Caitlin's back. "just a minute" she replied, her voice soft and sincere.

Caitlin nuzzled closer, her laughter subsiding into a contented sigh. "yeah okay" she whispered, her breath warm against Victoria's neck.

Victoria's heart swelled with emotion as she tightened her embrace, her lips brushing against Caitlin's forehead. 

As they lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, the world outside faded away. As they lay entwined in each other's arms, the morning light casting a warm glow around them, a question that had been lingering in Victoria's mind bubbled to the surface. She hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding, before finally voicing her thoughts.

"Cait," Victoria began softly, her fingers gently stroking Caitlin's back. "What are we?"

Caitlin lifted her head slightly, meeting Victoria's gaze with a mixture of surprise and tenderness. Her eyes softened as she considered the question, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

"Well," Caitlin said thoughtfully, brushing a strand of hair away from Victoria's face. "I was hoping you'd be my girlfriend."

Victoria's breath caught in her throat, her heart swelling with a rush of emotion. The words she'd been longing to hear hung in the air between them.

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