How did it end?

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A few days later, the whole group, including Victoria, finds themselves at a lively party. Victoria stands with Kate, the pulsating music and energetic atmosphere surrounding them. Kate looks at Victoria with a mischievous grin.

"Wanna see who takes the most shots?" Kate suggests, a playful glint in her eye. Victoria grins in response, feeling a surge of excitement. 

"You're on!" she replies eagerly, ready for the challenge.

 As the night progresses, they dive into the friendly competition, laughing and cheering each other on. Shot after shot, Victoria proves to be unstoppable. Finally, as the game comes to an end, Victoria emerges victorious, a triumphant smile spreading across her face. 

She throws her hands up in celebration, laughing with joy as her friends gather around, cheering her accomplishment.  As the party continues, Victoria finds herself indulging in more drinks than usual, her laughter ringing out louder with each passing hour. 

It's different from her usual demeanor, as Vic has always been mindful of her alcohol intake, she had never went overboard with it.  Caitlin, who is also at the party, notices Victoria's behavior and can't help but feel concerned. 

She watches from a distance, her heart heavy with worry as she sees Victoria becoming progressively more drunk. It's unlike Victoria to let loose to this extent, and Caitlin can't shake the feeling that something is off. 

As the night wears on, Victoria's movements become unsteady, her speech slurred as she stumbles through the crowded room. Caitlin's concern deepens, and she debates whether to intervene or give Victoria space.

As Victoria becomes even more drunk, Jada notices her stumbling and slurred speech. Concerned, she rushes to Victoria's side, guiding her towards the bathroom with a supportive arm around her shoulders. 

Caitlin follows closely behind, her own worry evident in her expression. "Stay with her, I'm going to get her stuff," Jada instructs Caitlin as they reach the bathroom door. 

Caitlin nods, understanding the urgency of the situation. Inside the bathroom, Victoria leans heavily against the sink, her head spinning from the effects of the alcohol. She closes her eyes, trying to steady herself, but the room continues to sway around her. 

Caitlin kneels beside Victoria, holding back her hair as she leans over the toilet, her stomach churning. She murmurs soothing words of encouragement, her touch gentle and reassuring. 

Victoria feels a wave of nausea wash over her, and before she can react, she's vomiting. She leans heavily on Caitlin for support, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she struggles to regain her composure. 

Caitlin stays by Victoria's side, offering comfort and assistance without hesitation. As Victoria's body finally begins to settle, Caitlin helps her get up and offers her water to drink. She stays with Victoria until Jada returns with her belongings, ensuring that she's safe and cared for every step of the way.

With concern etched on her face, Caitlin makes a decision. After gathering Victoria's belongings from Jada, she knows she needs to get Victoria to a safer and more comfortable place. Without hesitation, Caitlin gently lifts Victoria into her arms, holding her bridal style. 

Victoria leans against Caitlin, her head spinning and her body weak from the effects of the alcohol. Despite their complicated history, Caitlin's primary concern is Victoria's well-being. Carefully navigating through the party crowd, Caitlin makes her way to her car, a determined look in her eyes.

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