come back, be here

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The airport buzzed with activity as travelers hurried to their gates, the intercom announcing flights in various languages. Victoria and Caitlin stood together near the security checkpoint, the weight of their impending separation heavy in the air. 

Victoria's suitcase was by her side, and she clutched her boarding pass tightly, trying to keep her emotions in check. Caitlin's eyes were fixed on Victoria, a mix of pride and sadness swirling within them. 

"So, this is it," Caitlin said softly, her voice barely audible over the airport's din. Victoria nodded, swallowing hard. "Yeah, I guess it is." Caitlin took a deep breath and reached for Victoria's hand.

 "Before you go, there's something I want to do." Victoria looked at her, puzzled. 

"What is it?"

 Without another word, Caitlin gently slipped the promise ring off Victoria's finger. Victoria's heart skipped a beat, and for a moment, she feared Caitlin was taking it back.

 But then, Caitlin took Victoria's left hand and carefully placed the ring on her ring finger, where a wedding band would go. 

"Now, this is where it belongs," Caitlin whispered, her eyes shimmering with emotion. Victoria's heart swelled, her breath catching in her throat. She stared at the ring on her finger, its significance amplified by Caitlin's gesture. 

"Caitlin..." she began, her voice breaking. Caitlin smiled softly, her thumb brushing against Victoria's hand. 

"It's my way of saying that no matter the distance, no matter how long we're apart, I'm committed to you. This is just a temporary goodbye, okay? We'll make it through this." Tears welled up in Victoria's eyes, but she blinked them back, not wanting to cry just yet. 

She threw her arms around Caitlin, hugging her tightly. "I love you so much," she whispered into Caitlin's shoulder.

"I love you too, Vic," Caitlin replied, her voice thick with emotion. She pulled back slightly, cupping Victoria's face in her hands. 

"You're going to do amazing things in England. Just remember, I'm always here, cheering you on." Victoria nodded, a tear finally escaping down her cheek. "Thank you, Cait. For everything."

 Caitlin leaned in and kissed her tenderly, a promise in that kiss that they would weather this storm together.

 As they pulled apart, Victoria took a deep breath, steeling herself for the moment she dreaded. "I should go," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

 Caitlin nodded, squeezing her hand one last time. "I'll be here when you get back. Just focus on your studies and have the best time. We'll talk every day." 

"Every day," Victoria echoed, giving Caitlin one final, lingering kiss before picking up her suitcase. 

As she walked towards the security checkpoint, she glanced back at Caitlin, who stood watching her with a brave smile. Victoria felt a surge of determination. They could do this. They would make it through the distance and the months apart. And with that thought, she turned and walked towards her gate, ready to embark on this new adventure with Caitlin's promise ring a constant reminder of the love waiting for her back home.


did anyone catch the Taylor reference pls guys

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