you and me from the night before

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The next day, Victoria had just finished her class and was heading across campus, feeling the warmth of the afternoon sun on her face. As she rounded the corner, she spotted a familiar group standing together near the library: Monika, Kate, Gabbie, and Caitlin. A smile tugged at her lips as she walked over to them. 

"Hey, guys," Victoria greeted, slipping her arm around Caitlin's waist. "What's up?" Caitlin turned and beamed at her, planting a quick kiss on her cheek.

 "Hey, love. We were just catching up and making plans for tonight. How was class?" "Long and boring," Victoria replied with a dramatic sigh, making everyone laugh. "I'm glad it's over." 

As they stood together, chatting and laughing, Victoria felt a buzz in her pocket. She pulled out her phone, glanced at the screen, and let out a dramatic groan. "Great, I have another class," she announced, clearly annoyed.

 "What class?" Caitlin asked. "History" Victoria replied, rolling her eyes. "I thought I was done for the day." Monika chuckled, patting Victoria on the back. 

"You'll survive." "Just think of it as getting closer to the weekend," Kate added. Victoria sighed, pocketing her phone. "I guess I should get going." Caitlin squeezed her waist gently. 

"I'll see you later, okay?" Victoria's eyes lit up a bit. "Alright. See you." Gabbie smirked. "Get through this class, and we'll have some fun after." 

"Deal," Victoria said, leaning in to kiss Caitlin quickly. "Later, guys." As she walked away, Caitlin called after her, "Good luck! Try to stay awake!" Victoria laughed, waving over her shoulder. "No promises!" 

As the evening settled in, Caitlin prepared the dorm, dimming the lights and setting a relaxed atmosphere. She knew Victoria would be exhausted after her long day of classes and wanted to help her relax.

 Monika, Kate, and Gabbie had gone out together, giving Caitlin and Victoria some much-needed alone time. The door clicked open, and Victoria stepped in, her shoulders slumped from fatigue.

 She barely had time to close the door before Caitlin was there, wrapping her arms around her in a warm, tight hug. "Hey, you," Caitlin murmured, her voice soft and soothing. 

Victoria melted into the embrace, burying her face in Caitlin's neck. "Hey," she whispered back, clinging to her like a lifeline.

 "You look exhausted," Caitlin said, brushing a few strands of hair away from Victoria's face. 

"Long day?" 

"The longest," Victoria replied, sighing deeply. "I just want to collapse." Caitlin smiled, guiding her over to the couch. "Well, you're home now. How about I take care of you?" 

Victoria nodded, her eyes fluttering closed as she leaned into Caitlin's touch. 

"That sounds perfect." Caitlin gently kissed Victoria's forehead, then her cheeks, and finally her lips, savoring the soft, familiar feel.

 "I missed you," she whispered

Victoria's eyes opened slightly, a small smile forming on her lips. "I missed you too." 

"Come on," Caitlin said, pulling her up gently. "Let's get you comfortable." 

They moved to the couch, where Caitlin helped Victoria out of her jacket and shoes, all the while peppering her with soft kisses and sweet words. They settled into a cozy embrace, Caitlin holding Victoria close, her hands tracing gentle patterns on her back. 

"You didn't have to wait up for me," Victoria said, though her voice betrayed how grateful she was that Caitlin had. 

"I wanted to," Caitlin replied simply. "I wanted to be here for you." Victoria snuggled deeper into Caitlin's arms, her exhaustion slowly ebbing away in the warmth and safety of her presence.

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