so it goes

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A week before Victoria's birthday, Caitlin sat in the campus coffee shop with Jada and Gabbie, excitement bubbling within her. She pulled out her phone, showing them a picture of the promise ring she planned to get for Victoria. 

The ring was simple yet elegant, with a delicate band and a small, sparkling diamond. "Look at this," Caitlin said, her voice brimming with anticipation as she handed her phone to Jada.

 Jada took the phone and examined the ring closely, her eyes lighting up. "Oh my God, Cait! This is beautiful. Vic is going to love it," she said, passing the phone to Gabbie. 

Gabbie nodded in agreement, a wide grin spreading across her face. "Seriously, Cait. It's perfect. When are you planning to give it to her?" she asked, her curiosity evident. 

Caitlin leaned back in her chair, a dreamy smile on her lips. "I'm going to give it to her on her birthday. I want it to be a surprise," she explained, her excitement palpable. 

Jada raised an eyebrow playfully. "You're really going all out for this, huh?" she teased. "But honestly, it's so sweet. Vic is going to be over the moon." Caitlin laughed, a touch of nervousness in her voice. 

"I hope so. I just want to show her how much she means to me," she said, her gaze turning thoughtful as she imagined Victoria's reaction. Gabbie reached over and gave Caitlin's hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"She already knows that, Cait. This is just going to make it even more special," she said warmly. Jada nodded, her expression earnest. "Yeah, Cait. You two are so great together." she added, her smile reflecting her support. 

Caitlin felt a surge of gratitude for her friends' encouragement, their words boosting her confidence. "Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it," she said sincerely.

Two days after Caitlin showed the promise ring to Jada and Gabbie, she found herself in Victoria's dorm, the box securely tucked in her bag. 

She had just returned from buying the ring and was still buzzing with excitement and nerves. Victoria was rummaging around her room when she suddenly stopped and looked at Caitlin

"Hey, I think I left my notebook in your bag," she said, moving towards Caitlin's backpack. 

Caitlin's heart skipped a beat. "Uh, are you sure? I don't remember seeing it," she said, her voice betraying a hint of panic.

 Victoria nodded, already reaching for the bag. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure. I had it with me when we went to the library," she said, her hand unzipping the bag. 

Caitlin jumped up, a forced laugh escaping her lips. "Wait, let me check! I might've put it in a different pocket," she said quickly, gently pushing Victoria's hand away and taking over the search. 

Victoria gave her a puzzled look. "Cait, it's just a notebook," she said, confused by Caitlin's urgency. 

Caitlin dug through the bag, her mind racing. "I know, I know, but I have a system," she said, hoping her explanation sounded somewhat plausible.

She subtly shifted the ring box deeper into the bag as she pulled out the notebook and handed it to Victoria. "Here it is," Caitlin said, trying to sound casual. 

Victoria took the notebook, still looking at Caitlin with suspicion. "Thanks. You're acting a little weird, you know that?" she said, a teasing smile playing on her lips. 

Caitlin forced a chuckle, rubbing the back of her neck. "Yeah, just a bit stressed with classes and all," she said, hoping to deflect. 

Victoria stepped closer, wrapping her arms around Caitlin's waist. "Well, if you need to de-stress, I'm here," she said softly, leaning in for a kiss. 

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