I'm so afraid I sealed my fate

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A few days later, Victoria finds herself at a dinner party at a popular local restaurant, a welcome distraction from the emotional whirlwind she's been living in. She arrives with a small smile, ready to enjoy a night out with her friends, Jada, Gabbie, and Kate. 

As she enters the restaurant, her smile falters when she spots Caitlin and Connor already seated with the group. The sight of them together sends a jolt of pain through her chest. Her heart sinks further when she realizes the only available seat is directly across from them. Swallowing her discomfort, Victoria makes her way to the table. 

As she sits down, she forces a polite smile, though it doesn't reach her eyes. Gabbie, seated next to her, leans in and whispers apologetically, 

"We didn't know they were coming, Vic. I'm so sorry." Victoria nods stiffly, appreciating Gabbie's attempt to console her, but the weight of the situation feels unbearable. 

She takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself, and focuses on the menu in front of her, using it as a temporary shield.

Victoria sits down, her smile falling as she notices Caitlin looking at her apologetically. The silence is thick and uncomfortable. Jada starts talking to break the awkwardness. 

"So, how's everyone's week been?" 

Before anyone can respond, Connor interrupts, looking directly at Victoria. "So, Victoria, you went to Oxford?"

 Victoria responds dryly, "Yeah."

 Connor laughs. "Still sure about reading books for a living?" 

Caitlin turns to him, her expression stern. "Shut up, Connor," she snaps, defending Victoria.

As the dinner continues, Victoria can't help but notice the interactions between Caitlin and Connor. Every time Connor tries to touch Caitlin—whether it's a casual hand on her shoulder or a playful nudge—Caitlin visibly tenses up. 

She leans away from him, her body language screaming discomfort. Victoria watches as Caitlin's face contorts into a weird, almost pained expression whenever Connor gets too close. The only time Caitlin forces a smile is when she catches someone looking at them. 

Victoria finds this behavior strange, especially since Caitlin's love language had always been physical touch. When they were together, Caitlin was always affectionate, constantly finding ways to have her hands on Victoria or pulling her close.

 She exchanges a glance with Gabbie, who notices Caitlin's discomfort as well. Gabbie gives Victoria's hand another reassuring squeeze, a silent acknowledgment of the complicated emotions hanging in the air.

Feeling overwhelmed by the strange dynamic and the memories it stirs up, Victoria excuses herself to go to the bathroom. She stands in front of the mirror, taking a moment to fix her hair and gather her thoughts.  After a couple of minutes, Caitlin excuses herself to go to the bathroomEveryone at the table looks at each other, confused, while Connor's expression turns to one of irritation. 

The bathroom door swings open as Caitlin comes in. Victoria glances up, seeing Caitlin's reflection in the mirror. For a moment, they just stand there, the silence between them filled with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. Caitlin hesitates, clearly searching for the right words, while Victoria's heart races, caught between anger and the love she still felt for the girl. 

Caitlin takes a tentative step closer, her eyes filled with a mixture of regret and hope. "Can we talk now?" she asks softly, her voice barely above a whisper. 

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