how you get the girl

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A few weeks had passed since the almost-kiss, and Victoria found herself in a strange position. Despite the  moment they had shared, Caitlin hadn't directly addressed it. Instead, their dynamic had shifted subtly but significantly. Caitlin had become even more touchy, her affections growing bolder and more frequent.

At parties, Caitlin would often wrap her arm around Victoria's waist, pulling her close and planting soft kisses on her neck. These gestures sent Victoria's heart racing, leaving her wondering if Caitlin was ever going to make a move or if they would continue like this.


It was a crowded, lively evening at one of the off-campus houses. The music was loud, people were dancing and laughing,  Victoria had been standing near the kitchen, chatting with some friends, when she felt a familiar presence approach.

Caitlin slipped up behind her, her arms wrapping around Victoria's waist in a gentle, possessive embrace. Victoria's heart skipped a beat as Caitlin's breath brushed against her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.

"Hey, beautiful," Caitlin murmured, her voice low. "Having a good time?"

Victoria turned her head slightly, catching a glimpse of Caitlin's smirk "Yeah, it's fun," she replied, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fluttering in her chest.

Caitlin leaned in closer, pressing a soft kiss to the side of Victoria's neck. "You know," she whispered, her lips brushing against Victoria's skin, "I can't stop thinking about how amazing you are. You're always here for me, cheering me on, making me laugh."

Victoria's breath hitched, the sensation of Caitlin's lips on her neck sending a wave of warmth through her body.

"I mean it, Vic," Caitlin continued, her voice a soft, reassuring murmur. "You're incredible. And I don't know what I'd do without you."

Victoria felt her cheeks flush, a mix of embarrassment and happiness swirling within her. She turned slightly in Caitlin's embrace, meeting her friend's gaze. "You mean a lot to me too, Caitlin," she said, her voice barely audible over the music.

Caitlin's eyes sparkled with warmth and affection, her smile widening. "Good," she said simply, giving Victoria one last kiss on the neck before reluctantly letting go. "Now, let's go have some fun."


Even outside of social gatherings, Caitlin made her feelings clear in subtle ways. She would constantly talk about Victoria, talking about  her support, her sense of humor, and how smart she was. It seemed like Caitlin couldn't help but bring her into every conversation, making it abundantly clear to everyone around them how much Victoria meant to her.

The rest of the team had taken notice too. Jada, Kate, and the others would exchange knowing glances whenever Caitlin and Victoria interacted, their teasing becoming a regular occurrence. It seemed like everyone saw what was going on between them—everyone except for Caitlin and Victoria themselves. 

One day, Coach Bluder pulled Vic aside at a family reunion. The older woman had a kind but curious look in her eyes. "Vic, can we talk?"

Victoria nodded, following her grandmother to a quieter corner of the gym. "Sure, Grandma. What's up?"

Coach Bluder smiled warmly. "I've noticed Caitlin has been talking about you a lot lately. She's been very affectionate. Has she finally asked you out?"

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