26 3 0

Aycie Locke

Washington, June 19th

I slept through the entire flight, I wasn't surprised, so did everyone else. We were rushed through security and bag check in Washington as we had a taxi scheduled that we couldn't afford to miss.

It was weird being in America for the first time, we didn't get to look around yet as we were taken straight to the hotel, but the vibe just felt completely different to london, not to mention it was also a lot hotter here, I was suffocating in my hoodie.

"I feel like I should be really excited to go out and celebrate but I just want to go to sleep" Harry says half asleep leaning against the elevator wall that was taking us to the floor of our hotel rooms.

"None of us are even the legal age yet" Zayn remind everyone that any plans they had to go out wouldn't be including bars or clubs anymore.

"Yes you are" Niall smirks at us, he was hiding something.

"The legal age here is 21 not 18" I tell him.

"And you're all 21 or over" there was mischief written all over his face.

Before anyone had a chance to respond the elevator door opened and he walked away quickly.

"What do you mean?" Louis shouts down the corridor and Niall just shrugs his shoulders before opening his door and disappearing into his room leaving everyone looking at each other confused.

Room 386 i read the key card that gave me access to my room, I walked down the corridor and found the correct room, I realised that pretty much all the tour crew was on one floor, Louis walked up to the door next to mine, looking over to me and humming in amusement at the coincidence of us being neighbours. I saw the rest of them swiping their cards on other doors scattered around the corridor.

I looked down at the little slot on my door and swiped the card through, a green light flashed and I pushed down on the handle and swung the door open, i was met with a pretty spacious area, there was a double bed in the middle of the room with a tv on the wall opposite, there was a little table in the corner of the room that had something on it, with a chair tucked under it, next to the table was a mini fridge with drinks, probably the minibar, I walked in further and noticed the door to the bathroom opposite the bed and to the left of the tv near the entrance.

I dragged my suitcase and walked up further to the table to see a bottle of champagne and a note that I picked up to read.

This is a little welcome gift to the tour, I look forward to seeing your music played live for the first time, and congratulations on 'one thing' I hope the release goes well. Ps. Don't tell anyone I gave you champagne, I'm not meant to give it to people on the tour who are under 21 but I know things are a little different back home so I've made some exceptions.


I smiled down at the piece of paper in my hands, I didn't expect to really be included as part of the tour since I was just tagging along so I could make music with the band, but John seemed to be really nice and made me feel welcome, Im just glad that it's not one of those managers that have a stick up their ass and watch you like a hawk.

I didn't really drink much so I wasn't sure what I was going to do with the champagne, maybe I'd save it for a special occasion. I dropped my bag onto the floor and turned back around to the bed, I didn't think twice before doing a running dive into the duvets, it was heavenly, the jump really made the initial contact to the bed that much better.

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