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Niall Horan

June 27th, Las Vegas

This morning sucked.

First I was woken up by Harry banging down the door.

Then I was beaten by a drunk man who looked liked he'd swallowed a years supply of steroids, apparently that's Aycie's dad, but he was built the complete opposite of her. Aycie was short in the most respectful way possible, she couldn't be any more than 5,3", but this man was like a NBA basketball player, and had the biceps of a competitive body builder. I wish I had looked more at his face to see if they shared any of the same features, but I was too busy seeing his fist in front of my eyes instead.

I'm not happy about it.

I had to watch Aycie have this awful panic attack as I tried to regain enough strength to help, my heart broke because I knew this wasn't something she never did. She told me she never got angry or even shouted yet she slammed her fist into a door as she audibly cried in pain, a shirt in between her teeth as she painted the door with blood as she screamed profanities at Harry, Aycie never swore, unless absolutely necessary.

I thought I managed to calm her down with Gus but then she ran away as soon as i let go, Louis gave me a sedative and I had to chase her down a good twenty flights of stairs, still in my god damn boxers.

He's got some very weird things in that medical bag. But this probably tops everything. The only reason he has it is for me, I asked him for a stronger sedative when I got into a bad bar fight. There was a large cut on my cheek bone from a bottle being smashed over my face and I couldn't even bare to be awake when he did the stitches, not even with the strong painkillers he gave me. So he used this shit to knock me out.

It works very well.

I also accidentally pushed her down a flight of stairs, but she just got back up which was relieving.

I didn't want to be responsible for giving her a brain injury or something.

She refused to calm down, she wasn't herself and she was going to end up hurting herself even more trying to find that man who was not stable enough for an emotional situation like this. I was given some material with a small amount of chloroform on it which he told me would knock her out.

I had to carry her back up twenty flights of stairs in my underwear with blood down my face, one of my eyes were so swollen I could hardly see out of it and there were nasty bruises spreading across my body. I had to spit blood out of my mouth every other second and I could still feel blood trickling down the side of my face and into my mouth.

Basically I'm tired, cold and in pain.

I get back to the hotel room where Harry is pacing and Louis is sat waiting on the bed with his head in his hands. 

I remember last night and how perfect it was, how it only felt like it was me and her existing in this world, she was so calm. She told me she trusted me and she knew I'd never do anything to make her uncomfortable, but here I am after I sedated her against her will as I lay her back down against the bed as gently as possibly. Her body was completely limp, blood on her hands, her face red and wet from the tears that had been non stop for about half an hour now.

It's funny how fast things can get fucked up.

I collapsed beside her cursing as I finally got to take a breath and relax knowing she wouldn't get up and run, it's like she had an unlimited amount of stamina.

I did not.

"That was really fucked up right?" Harry exhales stressfully as he keeps pacing back and forth.

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