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Aycie Locke

July 14th, Miami.

I look and see a man that I know oh to well sat in the sofa, scruffy beard, his body dwarfing the couch as he looks up at me, meeting my eyes and I stop breathing, just complete stop breathing.

That's the same man I've stared at in a picture everyday the last 13 years, those blue eyes staring back at me but this time not on a peice of paper.

I slam the door shut, completely overwhelmed and sit down on the floor my knees tight against my chest as I hide my face in it, I didn't even have a chance to start breathing again before I was audibly crying, I couldn't help it, fuck i tried to stop but I didn't know what else to do right now.

My dad is on the other side of the door, for me.

Thirteen years, a hundred and fifty six months, six hundred and seventy six weeks, four thousand-seven hundred and forty-five days, one hundred and thirteen thousand eight hundred and eighty hours.

And now he's here.

My chest is restricted against my knees as I try to breathe and it's hard, If I had to guess I would have said that the sudden amount of emotion in my body shocked my system and it was mistaken as something negative, causing me to react like this.

I'm gonna throw up, I'm definitely gonna throw up.

"Ace?" I feel two hands on my shoulders. "Breathe, come on honey, it's okay I can have him gone, he'll be gone you don't even have to look at him."

"No" I manage to squeak out through my panic, I was full on hyperventilating.

"No?" He repeats like I had two heads. "Aycie take your knees down you don't have enough room to breathe" he holds my ankles, pulling them down and I oblige, keeping my face frozen like stone.

"Slow down" he mumbles, crouched down to the floor and rubbing his hand down my arm and I try to focus on taking longer deeper breaths.

Turns out I was basically just suffocating myself because it was alot easier to breathe with my legs down.

I didn't know what to think, I didn't know what to do, I should be in there hugging him right now, why am I not hugging him? I'm so happy he's there but I feel so overwhelmed by it.

After I manage to get myself stable enough to stand without passing out I shoot up to my feet.

"What the fuck Niall?" I exhale jumping up into him and he stumbles back "am i going crazy? Niall who was that?" I hug him tightly, dangling off his neck as I hide my face in the corner of his shoulder my heart beating like a freight train, making me want to run as fast as a freight train.

"Your dad" he says barely audible.

He sounded upset.

"Niall what the fuck?" I wrap my arms around his waist so I could lift my head up and smile at him.

I was going to end up like the joker if I kept smiling this hard all day.

"You're not upset?!" He shouts incredulously, breathing relieved sigh and shutting his eyes. "I thought you were about to kill me."

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