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Niall Horan

Eleven years ago, Ireland.

I hate uniforms.

Especially in the Summer.

This school lets us wear these grey trouser short things that aren't very comfortable but at least they're cool, I don't mind the white polo shirt but I'd rather wear my own clothes.

I really hate everything about school anyway, it sucks.

I'm only two hours into this stupid day and three stupid people have already pulled my stupid hair in the stupid corridor.

Now I'm all messy and got shouted at when I walked in the classroom for looking untidy.

I told the teacher that I did make myself look smart this morning but she has something against me, she never believes me.

She also said my face is dirty.

That's because I tripped over a tree root on my way here and fell face first into some dirt, that was my fault, I wasn't looking at where I was going.

I cut my knee as well.

I take my seat next to James my friend, he has short orange hair and lots of freckles, he also wears glasses and has a stutter so he's picked on a lot, just like I am.

I tell him to stick up for himself and fight back but a lot of the times I end up doing it for him because he doesn't want to get in trouble.

"What happened to you?" He shrivels his face up when he see's how untidy I am.

"I fell on my way here and then some people were pulling my hair in the corridors" I explain.

"Niall stop talking and pay attention, you're already late. Get your books out." The teacher scolds me and I feel my face going red from embarrassment.

I said one thing.

I take a deep breath and get them out before placing my bag on the floor.

The stupid school counsellor told me to take stupid deep breaths when I feel myself getting angry, I'm forced to see him every single stupid day here because I keep getting into trouble.

I keep my head down and I tried to stop it but I couldn't help it when I zoned out, I was drawing wizards on my text book and I started imagining myself as a wizard.

Or maybe a superhero, I really want to be a superhero. I know that's only a dream though because if I was going to be anything I'd be the bad guy.

Good guys don't get in trouble like me.

I think it's just how I am, I don't even try to get in trouble, it just happens.

Something hits my back and I turn around to see what it was and notice a small piece of paper falling down the back of the chair.

I crease my eyebrows to make sure whoever did it knows that I'm really in no mood for whatever they wanted to do to me today, I'd already had a rough morning.

I turn back around and keep my eyes staring straight down into the table as another one hits me on the back right afterwards.

I take another very big deep breath and shake my head, making sure I don't say anything.

Another one hits me, this time it was harder and hit my head, an eraser fell onto the desk after the impact and I fist my hands on the table.

It happened again, with even more force this time and I hold the back of my head in pain as another one hits my hand that protected my head.

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