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Niall Horan

29th July, Miami.

We leave Miami on the 31st, we have the rest of tonight and tomorrow until we have a ten hour drive to Atlanta.

Things have calmed down now and it's mostly all back to normal, everyone's acting like their usual selves. Harry has been winding everyone up until he's been attacked by everyone in this penthouse.

Especially me. He thought it would be funny to buy a nerf gun and follow me around for a full day, shooting at me from his hiding space. I didn't know who was doing it until know.

"You!" I shout and his face drops, his head is poking out behind the door frame of his bedroom, I was trying to walk downstairs before a nerf bullet hit me square on my ass.

I scramble up the few steps and bolt for his door, swinging it open to find an empty room.

"I swear to fucking god Harry" I curse him out, looking under his bed.

Every single step I took today a nerf gun would be shot at me and I'd looked everywhere for who was doing it. I was shouting at them but I couldn't find them, I thought I was going crazy at one point. It's honestly ruined my day.

He even shot Aycie multiple times when she was with me.

I open the closet door and another bullet hits my ass, he was fucking aiming.

"Stop shooting my ass asshole!" I snap my head around and see him standing there like a doofus, a shit eating grin on his face as he hold the gun up at me, aiming and shooting me right in the eye.

My hand goes up to hold my right eye that he hit and I groan, I see him through my left eye sprinting out the room with the nerf gun.

"You're fucking dead when I get you Harry!" I kickstart my legs and run after him.

He stands at the banister before shooting me again in the chest and he just jumps over.

"Fucks sake!" I shout feeling myself becoming agitated and without a second thought I follow him and look over the banister where a bunch of beanbags were piled up.

"Don't even think about it Niall" I hear behind me and look to see Aycie stood shaking her head.

I hear footsteps fading away and bite my tongue giving her an apologetic look as I jump onto the top of the banister and belly flop down onto the bean bags, I was shot multiple times mid air and I shout some angry gibberish words that only fuel his stupid fucking fire.

"Stop!" I shout as he corners me and shoots me non stop in the stomach, I double down to stop them from hitting me and then I feel them being shot directly as my scalp with hurt a lot more than it should've.

"You're going soft come on retaliate Niall" he taunts me, pressing the trigger every second.

With my body doubled down I take it as an opportunity to run forward and rugby tackle him to the floor, he grunts as he hits the floor and I'm sat on top of him as I take the nerf gun out his hands and point it as his head, I hold down the trigger and they shoot out one after each other and he struggles as he tries to get out, covering his head with his hands. "Did I make Niall angry?" He drags out with a pouty sound.

"Shut the fuck up" I grumble, standing off of him and throwing the gun on the floor, stomping on it until I heard it snap and break.

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