Offerings For the Sacrifice(Danny Fenton[Danny Phantom] X Reader)

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I got my period two days ago and I've dubbed it "the monthly sacrifice", which explains the title.


Due to the usual painful intensity of the first-day cramps of your period, you had your mother call you out of school before she left for work. Jack and Maddie let you come over and wait out the school day for Danny to get home. You were currently laying in his bed. It was 11:30 and you knew the lunch bell just rang.

You were scrolling through your phone while waiting for the pain pills to kick in. A message notification from Danny covered the top of your phone screen. You tapped it. Your message app opened and went to his conversation.

Danny💚👻: Jazz texted me what happened. Have you taken anything?
(Y/N): Yeah, I took some Tylenol about ten minutes ago. I'm just waiting for it to kick in.
Danny💚👻: Is it bad?
(Y/N): As bad as it usually is. I hope you don't mind I'm in your bed.
Danny💚👻: You know I don't, baby.

You both continued to text until noon. Danny wished you to feel better and you were left alone. Your head slightly throbbed and your cramps twisted your insides. You covered yourself with Danny's blanket and buried half of your face into his pillow. His scent calmed your nerves enough to lull you to sleep.


A knock on Danny's door woke you a bit abruptly. The boy's voice came through the door. "(Y/N), can I come in?"

You sat up while rubbing your eyes. "Yeah. How was school?"

He came in with a plastic bag full of stuff. You saw chocolate and a pack of (favorite cookies) through the opaque plastic. "I got Dash detention," he smirked then smiled softly. "I brought peace offerings."

"You really didn't have to, Danny," you said.

He sat next to you and emptied out the bag, item by item. He bought you an XL Hershey's bar, a pack of six (favorite cookies), a bag of (favorite flavor) Skittles, a pack of (favorite flavor) Starburst, a two liter water bottle, and a ghost plush. "The plush glows in the dark," he mentioned.

"How much did all of this cost?" you asked.

"Not even close to the amount your anxiety's telling you," he said. "What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't take care of you on your period?" He kissed your cheek. "I'm gonna go make you a glass of chocolate milk. Dig in."

You couldn't help the happy smile and soft giggle that escaped your mouth when he left. "God, he's amazing."

Danny came back moments later with the glass of chocolate milk he promised. "Were you sleeping when I came home? Your hair's kinda messy. Cute and fluffy, but messy."

You nodded as he sat next to you. You took the glass. "The Tylenol hadn't kicked in yet and I felt tired." You took a sip. "You make it perfect every time."

He smiled. "I'm glad. Are you feeling better? You don't look in pain."

"Yeah, I feel much better now that you're home," you replied.

"Wanna stay the night? Mom and Dad said it was fine," he offered.

"Duh," you smiled. You pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for all of this, Danny. I love you."

He held you close and kissed your cheek. "I love you too, (N/N)."

Danny soon got into his pajamas and got into bed with you. His consented smothering commenced.


Danny finally has two one shots in the book.

As always, embrace your weirdness and I'll see you in the next one shot.

- The Self Shipping Weirdo

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